[08:40:15] hmpf... there were some blips on the tools-legacy-redirector side [08:40:39] I'm increasing the asyncworkerfactor thingie again [09:29:16] is a bit better than yesterday, no? [09:29:49] i think so yes [09:31:36] quick +1? https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/1124821 [09:33:30] thanks [10:30:04] oh, there's some issue with neutron agent collection metrics [10:30:25] aahhh, the pint errors that now show up on our team :) [10:30:39] nice actually [16:42:39] dcaro: the alert I mentioned in the meeting was for probe_success{instance="tools-static-15:80"} [16:42:47] it failed a few times today [16:43:40] ack [17:52:59] arturo (or whoever) if I want to add a new cname for openstack.wikimediacloud.org does that still happen in the dns repository, or has that moved to netbox somehow? [17:55:17] I think it's still the repo + cookbook, but my knowledge is quite old xd [17:55:32] andrewbogott: CNAMEs are in dns.git [17:56:01] ok! I'm looking now, it's sure different from the last time I looked at it. [17:56:28] btw taavi since you're here can you tell me about 'fresh-node' in https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/labs/striker/+/1106032 ? [17:58:18] andrewbogott: it's https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/fresh as I said yesterday here :-) [17:58:43] ok! I will look, thank you [18:00:12] My laptop decided to crash again, I think I'll take that as a sign to clock off and setup the new one ;) [18:00:19] Have a nice weekend! [18:04:13] later dcaro [18:17:30] topranks: because I'm scared of breaking dns... can I get a review of https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/dns/+/1125202 ? [18:19:54] andrewbogott: seems ok to me [18:20:04] It'll create a new A record for keystone.openstack.codfw1dev.wikimediacloud.org. [18:20:17] and that name doesn't exist right now so I don't think there is scope to break anything :) [18:20:29] wait, an A record? [18:20:31] sorry new CNAME, pointing that to openstack.codfw1dev.wikimediacloud.org. [18:20:37] oh good :) [18:20:39] that's what I want [18:21:21] thanks