[08:00:04] Cteam: welcome to today 🦄! Don’t forget to post your update in thread. [08:00:04] Feel free to include: [08:00:04] 1. 🕫 Anything you'd like to share about your work [08:00:04] 2. ☏ Anything you'd like to get help with [08:00:04] 3. ⚠ Anything you're currently blocked on [08:00:04] (this message is from a toolforge job under the admin project) [08:28:52] Done: [08:28:52] * [ceph,reimage] Got cloudcephosd1011 done, upgrading the network worked again, will declare that a fix [08:28:52] * [toolforge,fourohfour] Added logrotate (logs were in the 100s of GB), and deployed a branch that caches disk and ldap reads more efficiently [08:28:52] * [toolsdb,cookbooks] Merged a patch that adds dynamic inventories support starting with toolsdb one [08:28:52] Doing: [08:28:52] * [ceph,disks] Dell said they are waiting from their escalation to the hardware manufacturer, I'll try in the meantime to do a few load tests on one of the osd drives (take it in and out of the cluster), see if I get anything [08:28:52] * [ceph,reimage] will not do anything today, as I'm already messing up with the cluster for the load tests [08:28:53] * [toolforge,auth] Continue with oidc diagram/tests (tomorrow have a dedicated slot for it) [08:28:53] * [toolforge,auth] will start removing the auth from the backend apis to enable playing with other types of auth on the api-gateway (if there's time) [08:28:54] Blockers: [08:28:54] * [toolforge,openapi] working on adding a version bump check for openapi.yaml files (need reviews https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/cloud/cicd/gitlab-ci/-/merge_requests/43) [13:11:18] Doing: [13:11:18] • Trove things! I'd like to be able to get all trove VMs running modern code but bouncing around a bit between different options. [13:11:18] • Buster deprecation: intermittently scowling at the buster dashboard https://os-deprecation.toolforge.org/