[08:00:01] Cteam: welcome to today 🦄! Don’t forget to post your update in thread. [08:00:01] Feel free to include: [08:00:01] 1. 🕫 Anything you'd like to share about your work [08:00:01] 2. ☏ Anything you'd like to get help with [08:00:01] 3. ⚠ Anything you're currently blocked on [08:00:01] (this message is from a toolforge job under the admin project) [17:30:26] Done: [17:30:26] * Fixed `helm-sudo` on the toolforge bastions (now it works) [17:30:26] * Merged a few MRs updating pre-commit and dependencies (for clis only, while I setup lima-kilo locally to test the others) [17:30:26] Doing: [17:30:27] * Catching up [17:30:27] * [toolforge] Will continue reviewing the MRs updating pre-commit and such [17:30:28] * [toolforge,jobs-emailer] will retake the jobs-emailer MRs and get those merged to get monitoring on it [17:30:28] * [toolforge,jobs] will retake the MR adding a timeout parameter to cronjobs, debugging is not very nice, but it's better than not having it https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/cloud/toolforge/jobs-api/-/merge_requests/129 [17:30:29] * [toolforge] will start reviewing other's MRs (let me know if there's anything blocking you or that needs to be prioritized) [17:30:29] * [ceph] Will retake the QoS setup, to try to free switch ports before the new ceph nodes come [17:30:30] * [ceph] Might continue re-imaging nodes to the latest OS, prior to ceph upgrade [17:30:31] Blockers: [17:30:31] * Limitedness of time xd [22:47:47] Done: