[08:00:13] Cteam: welcome to today πŸ¦„! Don’t forget to post your update in thread. [08:00:13] Feel free to include: [08:00:13] 1. πŸ•« Anything you'd like to share about your work [08:00:13] 2. ☏ Anything you'd like to get help with [08:00:13] 3. ⚠ Anything you're currently blocked on [08:00:13] (this message is from a toolforge job under the admin project) [09:04:09] so, if anyone fancies giving it a little go, I can make a dev build of a new combined toolforge CLI today (that includes working outside of toolforge if you have your ssh all setup "correctly" and runnable from ssh config with no interactions [09:08:21] I'm up to try it :), it should work also inside lima-kilo? (or toolforge itself?) [09:08:28] *should it work [09:09:58] so, right now it only points at the production apis, but I could certainly add handling for multiple environments [09:10:14] I didnt manage to get lima kilo working when I first tried it out, but would likely reviist it at some stage [09:10:49] πŸ‘ [09:12:57] https://filebin.net/dnvebtjmm4pydfg8 [09:13:07] 60afdc178579492e61f172e8ad9e37ee77bb67446be0c443dde5e81d2dd0a618 ./bin/nebula [09:13:16] shasum -a256 ./bin/nebula [09:13:28] just so you know your not running a totally random binary from some random website :P [09:21:11] ack [09:23:37] what tunnels/setup does it need? [09:24:56] it doesnt need any setup, assuming you have config like mine :P so it expects you to just be able to type "ssh login.toolforge.org" and for that to work [09:24:57] autocomplete shows the `quota` for the build subcommand when tabbing the envvars one xd, awesome that has autocomplete [09:24:59] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/lzdYE4Po/image.png [09:25:39] good catch, I didn't look at the auto complete yet, so that command might just be wired slightly wrong [09:26:00] ohh, I see, it does the tunneling + become stuff? [09:26:06] yup [09:26:58] all that will be way faster once we can use the API directly xd [09:27:22] yeah, setting up the tunnel still takes a little time, but made it rather nice to develop initially [09:27:29] I can set an envvar! [09:27:51] I always wanted to use the tunnel sort of setup to proxy through to the openstack API so that I could add cloudvps support to the mwcli thing [09:28:10] the openstack api is now open to the world :) [09:28:17] no need for ssh tunnel anymore [09:28:21] oooo [09:31:36] anyway, that is my daily update ;) happy to take feedback and collect a list of things that need alterting adding improving, to ad to my already existing list https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P73524 [09:33:17] do you want me to give it a try and add things I find? [09:33:22] btw. it's awesome :) [09:33:55] yeah, if you interact with things via those commands on a day to day basis, might be worth just using this one instead to iron out anyhting [09:34:30] all commands have e2e tests for the most common usecases / parameter options, so i doubt youll find anything obvious [09:36:02] πŸ‘ I'll play with it then, can you rebuild it though? we added a new field to jobs api that seems to break the list command on nebula [09:36:18] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/zyqlS1FL/ [09:36:43] bwhahahaa, interesting, yes and I think I can alster the generation of the client to ignore unknow fileds too :) [09:37:42] where did you host the code btw? I don't see any new branch in toolforge-cli [09:38:10] currently just on my laptop ;) pending paperwork [09:38:31] okok, np [10:02:24] dcaro: https://filebin.net/dnvebtjmm4pydfg8 cbf5ab64310f99c6a6343608633555c43fcfdb53d811d6c79334f3f8f003f849 ./bin/nebula [10:03:33] nice [10:53:40] Done: [10:53:42] * T385885 toolsdb upgrade [10:53:44] * created T387140 and T387141 (migration to new heroku buildpacks) [10:53:46] Working on: [10:53:48] * T362868 [toolforge] upgrade k8s to 1.29 [10:53:50] * T386634 [wikireplicas] Create views for new wiki satwiktionary [10:53:52] * T386467 [wikireplicas] Create views for new wiki sylwiki [12:34:18] Over the weekend: [12:34:18] * Wrapped up T379030 (switching back to project names for fqdns and ldap keys) [12:34:18] * Declaring T374830 (intermittent dns/network failures) to be resolved! [12:34:18] Today: [12:34:18] * (maybe) working on wikitech-static a bit [12:34:18] * catching up re: toolforge log aggregation [12:34:19] * thinking a bit about the next openstack version upgrade [13:11:31] "Declaring T374830 (intermittent dns/network failures) to be resolved!" yay \o/! [13:13:54] Saying it out loud is an invitation to be proved wrong [13:14:33] xd, better than having to be proved right ;) [18:36:29] Done: [18:36:29] * [jobs-api,jobs-cli] deployed the timeout extra option for scheduled jobs (thanks Raymond_Ndibe) and tested, found an issue when restarting a job (see blockers) [18:36:29] * [toolforge] Created a new phab board for iteration 18 https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/view/7730/ [18:36:29] Doing: [18:36:29] * [volume-admission] retesting with clean lima-kilo, fixed some issues with it (thanks again Raymond_Ndibe!) [18:36:30] * [components-api] started working on triggering builds (see https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/cloud/toolforge/components-api/-/merge_requests) [18:36:30] Blockers: [18:36:30] * Random MRs, reviews are welcome :) https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/groups/repos/cloud/-/merge_requests?scope=all&state=opened&label_name%5B%5D=Needs%20review&approved_by_usernames%5B%5D=None