[00:24:29] @Apple what exactly are you testing? [01:46:16] !log tools.croptool Ran ............... [01:46:18] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.croptool/SAL [01:46:32] I broke `dologmsg` [01:46:35] what a useful log message lol [01:46:45] !log tools.croptool Ran `webservice restart` for T292263 [01:46:47] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.croptool/SAL [01:46:48] T292263: Expired certificate error from CropTool when attempting OAuth login to mediawiki.org - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T292263 [01:46:48] anyways, appears fixed now [01:47:27] tools.croptool@tools-sgebastion-08:~$ dologmsg "Ran `webservice restart` for T292263" <-- what I had tried [01:47:49] oh, I should've used single quotes [01:47:59] oops! [03:14:16] legoktm: you are certainly not the first person to use " where ' was needed in a dologmsg call :) [03:49:09] normally I remember that I need to escape $variables, but I forgot about `'s behavior [08:25:22] Hello world! :) Since today in my tool: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'MediaWiki\OAuthClient\Exception' with message 'Curl error: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired' in /data/project/swviewer/vendor/mediawiki/oauthclient/src/Client.php:309 [08:25:24] What should I do for fix it? [08:25:50] Iluvatar: upgrade what it runs on [08:26:18] A few emails have gone to the cloud list [08:30:34] Iluvatar: indeed looks like your tool is running on the old php5 runtime, you likely need to upgrade it to a newer runtime: https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/cloud@lists.wikimedia.org/thread/BULX5O3EL4TN5BKHQFAG5TTMEEZLXLOY/ [08:41:54] Thanks! On php7.4 everything works fine [12:12:02] !log toolsbeta experimenting with newer mono runtime on toolsbeta-sgebastion-04 (T292289) [12:12:05] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Toolsbeta/SAL [12:12:06] T292289: Toolforge mono version on stretch grid doesn't trust latest LE certs - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T292289 [12:34:11] !log toolsbeta rebooting toolsbeta-sgebastion-04 (T292289) [12:34:17] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Toolsbeta/SAL [12:34:18] T292289: Toolforge mono version on stretch grid doesn't trust latest LE certs - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T292289 [13:23:06] @bd808 are you the owner of the bridge bot? [13:23:48] This question is about T283318, right? [13:23:58] Yes [13:25:12] * chicocvenancio wonders if the bridge is working. [13:27:14] T283318 (looks over at stashbot for link) [13:27:15] T283318: Bridge #wikipedia-id with idwiki's Telegram & Discord - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T283318 [14:37:30] For what it's worth, I'm investigating a possible Let's Encrypt-related issue with CVNBot and Mono C# (hosted on cvn-app* instances with Debian Jessie) [14:37:43] For you attention, I mean. In case anyone reports it [14:40:13] jessie? [14:56:04] Krinkle: I had the same problem yesterday [14:56:31] ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = (SecurityProtocolType)3072; <-- this line fixes the problem on the machine at home [14:57:34] ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(delegate { return true; }); <-- and this one is needed on toolforge-servers. Yes, I do *NOT* check the certificate, but since my program only accesses the API, ist is save enough for now [15:10:41] Was für Arschlöcher! https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:IXKcPRvB_0oJ:https://de.indymedia.org/node/152125+&cd=3&hl=de&ct=clnk&gl=de&client=firefox-b-e [15:10:48] Oops, sorry [15:48:56] Krinkle, Wur_gl: We have T292289 open for the mono issue. And we may know how to fix it now, so hopefully there will be some progress today. [15:48:57] T292289: Toolforge mono version on stretch grid doesn't trust latest LE certs - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T292289 [15:52:28] @jeromi_mikhael: bridgebot had a bunch of problems with discord bridges that led to me turning all the existing discord bridges off. I should have made a comment about that on your ticket, but apparently forgot. [16:28:30] Krinkle: the quick fix for CVNBot might be as easy as `sudo sed -i 's#mozilla/DST_Root_CA_X3.crt#!mozilla/DST_Root_CA_X3.crt#' /etc/ca-certificates.conf && sudo update-ca-certificates`. T292289#7395237 [16:28:30] T292289: Toolforge mono version on stretch grid doesn't trust latest LE certs - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T292289 [16:30:27] bd808: thanks, I'll give that a go. [16:39:52] bd808 & Krinkle: My mono-problem is gone on tools-sgebastion-08, the certificates-update did fix it [16:41:02] Wur_gl: good to hear! I have some other tasks to work on right now, but I will try to make time today to at least manually apply that fix across Toolforge. [16:42:03] +1 [18:29:49] And you are using it here? (re @wmtelegram_bot: @jeromi_mikhael: bridgebot had a bunch of problems with discord bridges that led to me turning all the existing discord bridges off. I should have made a comment about that on your ticket, but apparently forgot.) [18:30:06] I mean you didn't really turn all of them... [18:30:44] We are using the bot to bridge irc and telegram channels, but not to bridge any discord channels. [18:31:16] The crashing bugs were discord client specific [18:32:29] We could setup the irc<->telegram bridge for T283318, but from the text on the ticket that doesn't sound very useful? [18:32:30] T283318: Bridge #wikipedia-id with idwiki's Telegram & Discord - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T283318 [18:33:00] That would be useful [18:33:02] See [18:33:14] I've installed a bridge from disc to telegram [18:33:21] An external one [18:33:41] If you could connect it to IRC that would meant tthat 3 platforms are connected together [18:34:07] oh, cool. Update the ticket and I can probably get the irc<->telegram bridge up over my weekend. [18:35:14] How? Sorry I dont understand phab procedures. Except that one time i sent an inquiry or a bug or something and it got a lot of attention (re @wmtelegram_bot: oh, cool. Update the ticket and I can probably get the irc<->telegram bridge up over my weekend.) [18:38:22] @jeromi_mikhael: just go to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T283318, login to phabricator if you are not already logged in () and then leave a new comment on the task with the big text area at the bottom of the page. [18:39:41] And...what should i add? Random text? Or somethng related to the topic? (re @wmtelegram_bot: @jeromi_mikhael: just go to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T283318, login to phabricator if you are not already logged in () and then leave a new comment on the task with the big text area at the bottom of the page.) [18:40:38] The explanation that the irc<->telegram bridge will be useful now that the telegram and discord are already connected. I guess that seemed obvious to me, sorry. [18:41:31] Owh [18:41:34] Yes sure [18:41:37] Sorry about that [18:44:57] Btw unrelated, but in the phab section of subscribers i see that some people has parentheses in front of their name while some don't. Since the parentheses for my name is the same, how do I remove it? [19:28:08] jeromi_mikhael: From your profile page click edit profile on the right and blank the also known as field then save. [21:59:37] !log tools clush -w @all -b 'sudo sed -i "s#mozilla/DST_Root_CA_X3.crt#!mozilla/DST_Root_CA_X3.crt#" /etc/ca-certificates.conf && sudo update-ca-certificates' for T292289 [21:59:42] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools/SAL [21:59:43] T292289: Toolforge mono version on stretch grid doesn't trust latest LE certs - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T292289 [22:56:20] bd808, interesting, that log message bridged to Mattermost and pinged all [22:56:41] that's "fun". stupid mattermost :) [22:58:00] I only know this because Mattermost then *emailed* me that I was pinged. [22:58:17] which I suppose is a useful feature for a chat app I don't look at often [23:01:51] heh. I get emails from it when folks use @bd808 in a message. I think I have (at)all disabled for notifications. It looks like there are only 5 of us in the channel there, so probably nothing to worry too much about finding a fix for yet. [23:07:04] mattermost allows you to configure pings [23:07:13] not sure about ho to disable the at all one [23:12:44] Platonides: account settings > notifications > words that trigger mentions: uncheck 'Channel-wide mentions "@channel", "@all", "@here"' [23:12:53] at elast in the web ui [23:14:45] then it's simple :) [23:14:56] I didn't remember by heart if there was an option to disable those ones [23:15:11] an you have your probably pinged everyone again :P [23:15:18] *and [23:15:38] I think disabling "all" pings is the first thing I look for when joining a chat platform ;) [23:16:34] btw, it took me a while seeing what the above sed was doing [23:16:53] that ! hides quite well with uses of s!...!.. [23:16:53] and the second is probably disabling ascii->emoji conversions [23:17:13] yeah, its a funny looking pattern