[14:37:40] hi [14:37:46] hi [14:40:01] Hello Guest5161, how can we help you? [14:56:07] uh [14:56:15] anyone [14:56:51] hello? [14:58:07]  how to make tools [14:58:54] Guest5161, what's your username? [14:59:37] i forgot [14:59:57] b [15:01:06] uh [15:01:12] what do i do [15:02:11] Guest5161, do you think I might remember your username? [15:02:17]  idk [15:02:25] u can try tho [15:02:27] is it qwertx? [15:02:30] no [15:03:50] uh [15:04:07] Guest5161, have you created an account on Wikitech? [15:04:19] wait ill do  that [15:04:34] gtg [15:04:40] bye [15:04:45] mhm. [15:04:47] uhuh [15:05:13] 🧐 [16:14:03] One of the devs on my team can't seem to get into bastion-restricted.wmflabs.org , is there a way for me to check what pub key the bastion is expecting? [16:16:43] inflatador: that uses the exact same keys as all other instances and bastions, but it's limited to SREs with full root on the infra (ops ldap group) and cloud admins with root keys [16:17:47] ah OK, is there a different way for developers to access instances? [16:18:03] Use bastion.wmcloud.org [16:18:52] ah thanks, looks like I should've RTFM https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Accessing_Cloud_VPS_instances [17:13:57] hi [17:39:44] hi [17:41:34] !kb Guest51 [17:41:44] de [17:41:46] what [17:42:00] uh [17:42:11] !kb Guest51 [17:42:22] k [17:42:24] wait [17:42:26] pls dont [17:42:32] chill [17:43:55] why no joy from wmopbot? [17:44:25] good question, it also did not report my kickban on -ops [17:46:53] wmopbot has some bugs after a net split, a restart fix it [17:47:21] I will try to fix the problem in the code to not happen again [17:51:49] danilo: thanks for looking into it. [23:26:23] $ git pull [23:26:23] warning: redirecting to https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/labs/tools/guc.git/ [23:26:33] interesting, nice that it works, I guess I should update my checkouts [23:26:54] I wonder if it's worth for a tools admin to grep for .git/info files more broadly in case there's more deprecated origins that may stop working at some point [23:27:05] .git/config *