[07:08:16] can someone please remind e of the url for rebooting wfcloud instances [07:08:34] can someone please remind me of the url for rebooting wmfcloud instances [07:17:29] found a means within horizon though I am sure that there was an easier way [11:05:16] I'm trying to use toolforge-jobs for my cron jobs that require commands like bzip2. Is there any quick way to find pre-made images that have certain commands? [11:09:20] I tried tf-bullseye-std first. It apparently doesn't have bzip2. Next I tried tf-python39, which has it. I guess I now have what I wanted, but I feel like I'm doing it wrong. (And what I did obviously doesn't scale if I need N commands.) [11:23:45] @Yusuke, no, I'm sorry. Improving container image flexibility is one of the current WMCS team goals. Anyway, I would say that for example using python + a venv with your required pip packages should be very sustainable in the short term [11:32:30] Thanks. Many of my tools is python-based, so I agree python images should be sufficient most of the times. The above case is a minority use case. For the latter, not migrating from the grid engine might be a wise choice, perhaps. [19:00:41] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1w5RXEvho0 [21:59:23] I'm having some issues migrating from stretch to k8s. The job can't find an installed Python package (that definitely exists) [22:02:12] https://i.imgur.com/1K9aPuU.png [22:14:51] I like it! Got a mail "Your PERSONDATA Project Is Still Running On Strech Grid Engine". Okay, so I read https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Jobs_framework#Grid_Engine_migration and see the command toolforge-jobs list … lets try, This is what the shell tells me. "-bash: toolforge-jobs: command not found" So: ??????? [22:17:31] see the mboxes at the top of the page [22:17:48] for now, you'll have to use the Buster bastion login-buster.toolforge.org [22:19:07] … maybe the anchor #Grid_Engine_migration is not the best of all ideas? or duplicate the box? [22:22:25] however, thanks [22:30:11] Do I understand this correct: cron will not be needed? [22:31:03] toolforge-jobs does not use the traditional cron system, it has a cron-like scheduler built in [22:33:13] I do not like that: "Jobs log stdout/stderr to files in your tool home directory." I rather would like std* go in a seperate directory "logs" or something