[09:44:36] * valhallasw waves at wikibugs_ in k8s space [09:54:55] * valhallasw eyes wikibugs [09:56:14] how do I force-restart a single toolforge-jobs job? [10:00:11] kubectl delete pod seems to do... something. [10:21:02] and after fighting against the k8s continuous job quota I think wikibugs is now running happily on k8s [10:21:27] ah, except wikibugs isn't actually here [10:24:43] valhallasw: it's not connected at all [10:25:24] looks like you're hitting the cpu quota? [10:26:24] eh, no, it's running [10:26:39] It's stuck in "2022-04-17 10:25:37,839 - irc3.wikibugs - DEBUG - Connected / 2022-04-17 10:25:37,840 - irc3.wikibugs - DEBUG - CONNECT ping-pong ()". Was that way earlier today as well [10:27:16] let's see if I can figure anything out by connecting to the container [10:27:27] I've seen that before :( couldn't figure out what caused that, fixed itself the next day or something like that [10:29:02] no netstat, no ps, ... difficult to figure out anything in a container this way <_< [10:29:55] kubectl delete pod redis2irc-7bbc8dc544-bvx7z fixed it 🤷 [17:23:19] Hi! Thanks for everything y'all do to keep the service up & running, it's a great resource! [17:23:20] Yesterday I migrated my tool (dykbot) from the Stretch grid over to Kubernetes, and figured I'd offer some feedback in case it's helpful :) [17:23:20] * Documentation [17:23:21]   * The wiki page here doesn't mention Kubernetes: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Portal:Toolforge/About_Toolforge#How_is_Toolforge_structured? [17:23:21]   * The Toolforge Stretch deprecation wiki page (https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/News/Toolforge_Stretch_deprecation#What_should_I_do?) recommends the jobs framework & Kubernetes, yet the jobs framework page (https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Jobs_framework) says it's still in beta - by default recommending people use a beta [17:23:22] can raise questions about stability [17:23:22]   * The Toolforge Stretch deprecation wiki page (https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/News/Toolforge_Stretch_deprecation#What_should_I_do?) could use some motivation on when & why tool owners should choose Kubernetes vs the grid - by default people will continue using what they're familiar with, so adding motivation can get them over the hump [17:23:23] * toolforge-jobs: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T304421 is my biggest pain point; if I have time later today I'll consider implementing the solution in https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T305803 with exec [17:23:23] Have a great Sunday!