[15:33:51] where do the striker (https://toolsadmin.wikimedia.org/) error logs go? I get an HTTP 500 when I try to log in, but I'm not able to locate the request ID from the error page (a2507bc1b3e14c83ab1f9420c88057f1) in logstash [15:49:59] they should in theory go to logstash, but I think in practice there is still a bug with uwsgi + systemd + rsyslog that overflows the UDP packets and makes them end up only on the local disk of labweb* hosts. [15:58:31] ori: "Duplicate entry 'ori' for key 'shellname'" seems to be the error. I'll try to figure out a bit more about what's blowing up. [16:07:20] ori: we renamed your Developer account at wikitech and that's making Striker go boom. It knows you under the prior name and doesn't like that. [16:07:34] I'm going to rename the account in Striker's database too... [16:09:13] ori: try logging in again when you get a chance. I hope that it will work for you now that Striker's database and LDAP agree on your account's details. [18:49:02] bd808: it works now. not to pile more work on you but uh, the reason I was looking at toolsadmin in the first place was to see if I could help TheresNoTime with https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T309391 -- it sounds like maybe the fix for that is similar? [18:53:25] oh I see you're already debugging it in another channel [18:55:19] it's your fault for being helpful [19:04:00] hehehe, I was also thinking of that when renamed accounts came up ^^ [20:31:24] hi, is anyone around to help with some basic migration to Kubernetes questions? [20:36:44] https://dontasktoask.com/ [20:37:20] not so much asking to ask as "is anyone around", but thanks anyway. [20:37:44] Literally following https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Pywikibot#Using_the_virtual_environment_on_Kubernetes to the letter, and is told job failed [20:41:10] which tool? [20:41:15] FPCBot [20:44:28] `~tools.fpcbot/pwb_venv.sh` tries to CD into a directory `$HOME/pywikibot-core` [20:44:42] but `~tools.fpcbot/pwb-venv.err` has an error that this directory doesn’t exist, and I don’t see it either [20:44:58] I think you’re missing this step? https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Pywikibot#Clone_pywikibot_git_repo [20:46:53] (unless you cloned it somewhere else – e.g. `~tools.fpcbot/.pywikibot/` exists but isn’t world-readable, so I don’t know what’s in it) [20:49:38] err, I tried to pip install it via requirements.txt earlier. If it's not from that, it's old. I'll look into that and see, thanks [20:49:58] alternately I think you could replace `cd $HOME/pywikibot-core` with `cd /data/project/shared/pywikibot/stable`. I'm not sure if one is actually better than the other. I think it mostly depends on your bot and how you would like to get pywikibot framework upgrades (manual pull or automated update)