[10:35:28] I'm really happy that I found out about this place! [11:35:57] Why? [16:06:16] XD Why. XDD [22:40:43] is it safe to save credentials inside a tool's directory? [22:42:00] If you set the permissions to 600, I guess? T286414 appears to suggest as much [22:43:56] `tools.h78c67c-bot@tools-sgebastion-10:~$ ls -l [22:43:56] total 8 [22:43:58] drwxrwsr-x 2 root tools.h78c67c-bot 4096 Jan 13 03:30 logs [22:44:00] -r-------- 1 tools.h78c67c-bot tools.h78c67c-bot 52 Jan 13 03:35 replica.my.cnf [22:44:01] tools.h78c67c-bot@tools-sgebastion-10:~$ exit [22:44:03] logout [22:44:04] `*h78c67c@tools-sgebastion-10*`:`*~*`$ cat ~tools.h78c67c-bot/replica.my.cnf [22:44:06] cat: /data/project/h78c67c-bot/replica.my.cnf: Permission denied` [22:44:07] yeah [22:44:09] thank you [22:44:27] looks good