[12:50:27] I did some more tests, and as far as I can tell, Flask’s /static/ handler isn’t any slower than tools-static either (re @lucaswerkmeister: (my initial thought was that tools-static might have better cache behavior, but it looks like Flask’s static handler also suppor...) [12:50:50] both in terms of delay (small file) and data transfer rate (large file) [12:51:33] so I’ll just drop that idea for now, at the moment I can’t find any reason to use tools-static over Flask’s /static/ handler ^^ [12:51:57] (that’s not to say tools-static is useless, just that you don’t need it if you’re already running a Flask webservice) [12:57:13] !log tools.lucaswerkmeister-test committed first test and then stopped webservice (test over) [12:57:15] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.lucaswerkmeister-test/SAL [20:17:35] Hello [20:18:42] So I'm thinking about a cloud career but do not have a degree [20:19:28] And honestly not much experience with programming language but willing to learn [20:19:52] This is for wikimedia cloud services support [20:20:43] For clients? [20:21:17] Oh I see [20:22:15] I mean if you wanted a job with WMCS, I'm sure you can enquire here g2 [20:24:13] g2: https://wikimediafoundation.org/about/jobs/ [20:28:02] Thanks