[00:49:52] The data displayed by openstack-browser is produced via a long series of complicated queries which it then caches for a long long time. So every once in a while you're unlucky enough to hit the cold cache and warm it up for the rest of us :) [07:47:53] [[Help:Cloud Services introduction]] [07:47:54] I noticed that in the comparison table there is "Build tools to improve Wikimedia projects": Toolforge. [07:47:55] I think it is reasonable to also check off PAWS (which is used for some bots) and also Cloud VPS. For this reason, I think this entry is somehow not very clear. [07:53:35] bozzy: that is a high level guideline, with enough knowledge, you can use (almost) any of the platforms for that matter, but on an entry level, toolforge is the first place you should try (note also that paws is ticked on the 'write and run bots' category too) [07:54:04] I agree that 'build tools' is very broad though [08:59:08] BTW in Toolforge I would like to understand the project size trend. Kind of: [08:59:09] [08:59:10] du -sh /home | sort -h [08:59:12] [08:59:13] Can a root user help me in understanding if such thing is possible, e.g. assuring a very low I/O nice? [09:00:05] (I think it is useful to tell users: in general please do not exceed xx GB - but I don't have that information now) [14:59:31] !log admin manually marking most eqiad1 cloud* servers down in icinga for T296561 [14:59:35] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Admin/SAL [14:59:35] T296561: upgrade cloud-vps openstack to Openstack version 'Xena' - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T296561 [16:36:19] is there anything I should be doing to get T316439 noticed? [16:37:58] * bd808 looks [16:38:10] stashbot is unhelpful. [16:38:12] [16:38:13] is a 2fa reset for wikitech [16:39:15] I just need to find the part of my brain that remembers how to verify a GPG signature. ;) [16:39:48] * taavi points out that signed message has no date/ticket context attached [16:41:48] taavi: noted, but honestly I think this is enough in this case. The risk/reward balance for someone to have figured out how to spoof being l.egoktm to this extent doesn't make sense. [16:46:52] the signature itself should have a timestamp? (re @wmtelegram_bot: points out that signed message has no date/ticket context attached) [16:47:03] ^ yeah, that's what I thought [16:47:48] @jeremy_b: you should be able to setup your 2fa again now. [16:48:58] legoktm: do you not have access to do this anymore (run the maintenance script)? [16:49:15] I temporarily suspended my shell access for the duration of the election [16:49:31] ah. reasonable [16:50:36] gpg: Signature made Sat 27 Aug 2022 01:22:04 PM EDT [17:25:48] thanks, reenabled, logged out and back in (re @wmtelegram_bot: @jeremy_b: you should be able to setup your 2fa again now.) [19:58:36] !log tools.bridgebot Preemptive restart after seeing a netsplit [19:58:38] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.bridgebot/SAL [20:05:08] Hi everyone!!! [20:05:09] How to send email via cronjob in kubernetes container?(as exim is not supported here) [20:13:43] @Ankit18gupta: you will need something that can send the mail via the mail.tools.wmcloud.org SMTP server. I don't think we ship anything in any of the Kubernetes images that would do that simply. [20:14:43] (maybe we should though...) [20:16:39] @Ankit18gupta: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Email#Sending_via_SMTP [20:20:18] If it's possible can I get examples on how to use this(since I am a beginner at it, gsoc student intern) (re @wmtelegram_bot: @Ankit18gupta: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Email#Sending_via_SMTP) [20:22:46] @Ankit18gupta: which container are you using to run your job? We will likely need to make some kind of wrapper around an SMTP package for the language runtime you are using (php, python3, nodejs, etc) [20:23:17] you are asking a good question, but we don't have an existing answer :) [20:27:50] bd808: python's smtplib works [20:27:54] I use it [20:31:47] thanks for the tip RhinosF1. [20:33:17] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/bpgf4S0t [20:33:23] bd808: ^ should work [20:33:32] Assuming you define from/to etc [20:33:43] https://github.com/wikimedia/labs-tools-phabsearchemail/blob/master/script.py#L40 [20:34:05] * RhinosF1 needs to update gerrit with his update from when he moved to k8s for the mail server domain [20:37:25] Kubernetes (re @wmtelegram_bot: @Ankit18gupta: which container are you using to run your job? We will likely need to make some kind of wrapper around an...) [20:38:37] @Ankit18gupta: yes, which I assume means you are using https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Jobs_framework? What `--image ...` setting are you using for the job that needs to send an email? [20:43:08] node 16 (re @wmtelegram_bot: @Ankit18gupta: yes, which I assume means you are using https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Jobs_framework...) [20:47:59] @Ankit18gupta: https://nodemailer.com/about/ is maybe the most popular node SMTP client library. Their documentation looks helpful. I would suggest that you take a look, try some experiments, and then come back for more help if you have doubts. [20:51:53] Okay... Thanks (re @wmtelegram_bot: @Ankit18gupta: https://nodemailer.com/about/ is maybe the most popular node SMTP client library. Their documentation loo...)