[00:16:31] man who do we have to call to get some dang idempotency around here [13:58:01] Is there any way to get uwsgi (in toolforge) to add a unique_id header to each incoming request. That would make it easier to correlate the uwsgi logs with my django logs. [15:51:39] What version of redis server are we running in toolforge? I'm looking at a Python package which specifies Redis server 2.8+. I assume we're good there? [15:55:05] roy649: we are using: [15:55:08] root@tools-redis-7:~# redis-server --version [15:55:10] Redis server v=6.0.16 sha=00000000:0 malloc=jemalloc-5.2.1 bits=64 build=6d95e1af3a2c082a [15:55:25] cool, thanks. [15:55:38] I guess 2.8 must be ancient history :-) [20:29:57] Cloud SREs, anyone available to review https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/832543/ ? Just need to restore some stuff and it looks like NFS is the fastest way to go