[15:21:45] can someone help with getting commit access to this repo? https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/q/project:operations%252Fcookbooks [15:22:45] I keep getting this error commit e01ca82: email address dcaro@wikimedia.org is not registered in your account, and you lack 'forge committer' permission. seems unrelated to the stuff I'm trying to push. I probably need some form of access on the repo judging my the error message [15:23:02] Raymond_Ndibe: you should have access now :) [15:23:24] Raymond_Ndibe: oh, that error is different, that one is because you are trying to push a commit under my name [15:23:41] you can try: git commit --amend --reset-author on that commit instead [15:27:40] nope, the author is actually not you [15:28:03] maybe it’s based on another commit by dcaro and needs a rebase? [15:28:15] the commit with that hash is like the very first commit pushed or something like that [15:28:21] no Lucas [15:28:35] Or are you trying to use `git push...` rather than `git review`? [15:28:53] (yes, I know, there are specific git push incantations that do work) [15:28:55] could be too [15:29:27] (the incantation iirc was something like `git push HEAD:refs/for/` xd) [15:29:38] yeah [15:29:46] https://github.com/wikimedia/operations-cookbooks/commit/e01ca82 seems to be an old commit that is a fair bit behind HEAD [15:29:48] yea I was using git push, similar to what David pasted above [15:30:34] you probably want to do a `git fetch --all` and then a rebase before pushing [15:30:39] Raymond_Ndibe: you can use https://docs.opendev.org/opendev/git-review/latest/, makes it easier [15:31:09] and yep, +1 for `git fetch --all && git rebase origin/wmcs` kinda thing [15:32:42] yeaa ok, initially did "git fetch" alone. Let me try the other options [15:34:29] Things can end up a little messy sometimes if you've got an remote of origin and one of gerrit [15:35:03] ^ got in that tangle a few times :} [15:37:00] HEHE the rebase origin/wmcs is causing a whole lot of merge conflicts [15:37:12] oops [15:37:19] did you have a lot of patches on top of it? [15:37:22] to be clear I already removed my commit and stashed the changes [15:37:36] nope, already remove my changes [15:37:56] okok, then you can just 'git reset --hard origin/wmcs' (or gerrit/wmcs, whichever is the name of your remote) [15:38:13] do you have the wmcs branch checked out? [15:38:56] yea checked out on wmcs branch [15:39:43] David reset --hard doesn't solve it though right? because then we are back to the same old issue of not being able to add a new patch [15:40:20] if you reset --hard to the newly fetched commit, when you push it will not push those old commits, only whatever you put on top of them [15:43:27] yeaa did just that 🤷‍♂️, not working [15:43:42] tried git reset --hard origin/wmcs [15:44:07] hmm [15:44:39] and while HEAD is pointing at the latest commit of wmcs branch, I popped my changes from stash, commited and tried to push, same response [15:44:41] sometimes when things get in a mess, I tend to do a `git checkout `, `git reset HEAD~25 --hard`, `git pull` [15:45:02] Pastebin the the whole output? [15:45:43] Raymond_Ndibe: can you paste the output of `git log --graph --pretty=format:\"%C(auto)%h%d%Creset %C(cyan)(%cr)%Creset %C(green)%cn <%ce>%Creset %s\" --all` [15:50:31] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/UnmlxwDZ/error [15:51:17] Reedy, this is the response from your earlier suggestion. merge conflict. [15:52:07] (somtimes it's easier to just delete the clone and start again) [15:54:17] yeaaa. curious as to why this is happening though. Never experienced that since I got introduced to gerrit [15:55:40] There's probably a simple reason for it. But not always the easiest to work out remotely ;) [16:00:08] Raymond_Ndibe: try running the log command above and pasting the output, that will help me see what you have there [16:00:27] *you cat try [16:01:36] yea I tried the command David, got this bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(' [16:01:54] I just delete the repo. Let me recreate it and see if the problem persists [16:02:03] oh... quoting issues xd [16:59:00] deleting repo and starting afresh worked