[08:31:00] what's the best API if I wanted a list of all tool accounts on Toolforge? [08:31:25] currently LDAP [08:32:25] is there a one liner I can use? or what would the query look like? [08:33:46] I just need a one-time list so hackiness is fine [08:37:06] `ldapsearch -x '(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(cn=tools.*))' 'cn'`, but it's getting hit by the search size limit and I'm not sure if `ldapsearch` supports pagination [08:40:13] legoktm: try this https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P42742 [08:41:42] seems to work, gave me 3,218 tools [08:42:09] thank you! [08:45:01] out of curiosity, what are you working on? [08:49:37] I will show you in a few days ;) [12:47:22] huh, `ls /data/project | wc -l` gives me slightly *more* tools, 3232 [12:50:54] lucaswerkmeister: that includes tools that are disabled haven't been deleted yet [13:20:46] !log tools.pbbot Tweak parameter handling in NKJP generator [13:20:48] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.pbbot/SAL [13:36:48] I see [14:19:37] taavi: use ``-E pr=5000/noprompt` to turn on `pagination support in ldapsearch. The number is the page size. The ‘noprompt’ part will automatically fetch all pages. [14:21:56] There is an alias on https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:BryanDavis/LDAP that makes poking around in our LDAP data easier.