[09:54:41] !log deployment-prep removed (text|upload) instance references from wgCdnServersNoPurge (T327742) [09:54:45] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Deployment-prep/SAL [09:54:45] T327742: Migrate deployment-prep away from Debian Buster to Bullseye/Bookworm - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T327742 [13:42:21] Is Phabricator down for anyone else? [13:46:12] working for me although I've not tried logging out/in [14:01:07] Skynet: no issues here either [14:27:45] Apparently my ISP is having issue connecting all of Wikimedia services. I'm using a VPN now. [14:29:41] https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/phabricator.wikimedia.org [14:55:22] Hello all. I'm new to WMCS and would like to develop a tool using R and Shiny server (https://posit.co/products/open-source/shinyserver/). Is that possible on Toolforge? I'm fairly certain the answer is "no", I just wanted to make sure before exploring other options... [14:55:58] why is the answer no? [14:56:31] You might want a vps project rather than just a toolforge tool, depending on what you're actually wanting to do [14:57:09] by "possible" do you mean "works out of the box" or "works after some amount of tinkering"? [14:57:48] Well according to https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Kubernetes, there's no container that includes Shiny, and "no mechanism for a user to install system packages inside of a container". I'd be very happy to be wrong! [14:58:10] I don't mind tinkering, or using a VPS if that's necessary, just trying to find the simplest possible option to begin with. [14:59:27] Cloud VPS is probably the simpler option compared to Toolforge, but Toolforge might be possible using the same trick as Rust https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Rust#Running_a_webservice [15:03:55] Can shiny and R be installed without system packages? [15:04:25] > Before installing Shiny Server, you must install R and the Shiny R package. [15:05:57] if you really want toolforge buildpacks should do it, but it does not sound like a pleasant experience. [15:06:13] I suppose I could try and build R and Shiny from source inside the container? But I then I see why it might be easier with Cloud VPS... [15:09:46] JoeRoe[m]: if the packages are available on ubuntu jammy (the buildpacks images base OS), you should be able to install them with https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Build_Service#Installing_Apt_packages (added last week) [15:10:11] oooooh [15:11:11] I recommend using your langs package manager if you can (though iirc there's no R support in the base buildpacks), but it's an alternative [15:11:42] `sudo su - \ -c "R -e \"install.packages('shiny', repos='https://cran.rstudio.com/')\""` [15:11:45] definitely not scary [15:12:28] xd [15:12:59] If R is installed, managing R packages is no problem. But Shiny server is an external dependency. I'm pretty sure it's in the Ubuntu repos though, so buildpacks looks very promising, thanks! [15:13:41] let me know how it goes! if you find bugs/have suggestions they are very welcome too :) [15:18:27] Implementing this task would either be impossible or a violation of the terms of service. Correct? https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T340645 [15:34:52] correct - my comment there was based on the ToU [20:21:14] hi, is anybody here familiar with the MediaWiki::Bot perl module? [20:21:33] am I correct that it doesn't seem to support Wikidata? [20:38:02] akoopal: that seems likely. Per https://metacpan.org/pod/MediaWiki::Bot it seems to support a relatively small number of Action API actions. That library seems pretty inactive per https://github.com/MediaWiki-Bot/MediaWiki-Bot [20:38:40] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Client_code#Perl doesn't tell a great story for Perl developers [20:47:27] akoopal: you might try asking the Wikidata telegram channel or mailing list if there are Perl bots/clients that folks haven't advertised well. [20:48:11] I guess I should start to learn python :) [20:58:46] Is perl actually still a thing? [20:59:31] I am still used to it [21:00:52] I've been doing python so long, I'm kind of thinking I should do my next project in Rust, just to try something new. [21:01:51] more a sysadmin then a programmer, so never really looked at other program languages [21:12:04] Perl certainly still is a "thing" roy649. Language shaming and false surprise are not things that we encourage in this channel. [21:18:55] but I should remember that library as an argument for my eventual blog post about the API library I’m working on, why it’s the way it is [21:19:29] a library that provides custom wrappers for each API action will always be incomplete. a library that facilitates using the underlying API actions can be used for any purpose [21:19:49] (not MediaWiki::Bot’s fault, just a general difference in design philosophy I guess ^^) [21:25:02] Yeah, that's the general conclusion I came to when I tried writing a Phabricator library - I built the generic tooling for the API, and then wrote a wrapper around Maniphest, then gave up doing any more work on it :D [21:25:27] My own MediaWiki API library only implements the actions I've actually needed to use so far [21:26:03] (both libraries are C#, and probably not suitable for consumption by others because they're maintained enough for my own usage, and not a shred of effort more)