[12:33:30] !log tools.stewardbots Restarted StewardBot and SULWatcher out of IRC [12:34:45] !log tools.stewardbots Restarted StewardBot and SULWatcher out of IRC [12:35:49] !log tools.bridgebot Double IRC messages to other bridges [12:59:59] quick telegram/IRC bridging test [13:00:13] ok, telegram → https://wm-bot.wmcloud.org/browser/index.php?start=10%2F04%2F2023&end=10%2F04%2F2023&display=%23wikimedia-cloud is working at least [13:00:25] (I was worried because my bridgebot !log never showed up here) [13:01:29] I don't see the !log either [13:02:20] weird, it’s in the wm-bot log… (12:35 UTC, not just now) [13:16:41] !log tools rollout toolforge-weld 1.3.0 [13:16:44] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools/SAL [13:27:03] wm-bot was disconnected at 12:35 UTC [22:36:21] Hi everyone! Quick question regarding csp-report.toolforge.org. I've noticed my toolforge app triggers csp-report a lot because I'm loading external fonts e.g. https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/montserrat/v26/JTUQjIg1_i6t8kCHKm459WxRzS7m0dR9pBOi.woff2 [22:36:22] Is this something I should worry about, can I do something about it? [22:46:14] use https://fontcdn.toolforge.org/ instead of Google Fonts [22:46:33] see also https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Web#Load_external_assets_using_our_CDN_services [22:47:24] Hi there! I closed my tab by accident. Did you perhaps send any other replies before "see also https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Web#Load_external_assets_using_our_CDN_services" ? [22:49:40] ppenloglou: no, there was no further reply [22:50:24] Sweet, thank you for that resource. Really good to know we have a dedicated FontCDN tool, I'll be using that from now on!! [22:51:51] ppenloglou: yes, I also sent “use https://fontcdn.toolforge.org/ instead of Google Fonts” [22:52:01] but that’s also linked from that page [22:52:15] this channel is also logged, you can see it here: https://wm-bot.wmcloud.org/browser/index.php?start=10%2F04%2F2023&end=10%2F04%2F2023&display=%23wikimedia-cloud [22:53:06] lucaswerkmeister: you first said ue fontcdn, and then "see also" [22:53:17] not the other way around [22:53:18] yes [22:53:34] ppenloglou asked whether I had sent other replies before “see also” [22:53:46] oh, sorry [22:54:00] I thought he was asking for anything *after* that [22:54:29] and in fact, he missed that line [23:07:53] learning so much in one night, thank you everyone ! [23:08:43] you're welcome