[16:45:19] !log bd808@tools-bastion-12 tools.wikibugs Restarted gitlab task. Nothing logged since 2024-05-07T20:49:15Z (T364490) [16:45:33] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.wikibugs/SAL [17:16:04] !log chlod@tools-bastion-13 tools.copyvios Blocked node UA for using a generic UA [17:16:06] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.copyvios/SAL [21:18:42] we have a pretty new cloud server called 'wdqspuppetserver-1' on our wdqs WMCS account...any idea who might be using this? [21:28:05] ^^ andrewbogott I see this cloud server created by user 'andrew', was that you? Curious about the purpose of the server...code that supports it might be causing some CI failures [21:29:32] inflatador: yes, it's me. That's https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T361596 [21:30:18] What kind of CI failures? [21:30:27] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T316876#9781514 [21:30:40] Based on your last comment, I don't think that's on you [21:31:14] I think we used to have some non-scap manual deployment that worked in cloud, but it's before my time [21:31:31] I don't think that server is related... but also it can maybe be deleted? [21:31:40] Y'all had a project-local puppetserver before but it had no clients. [21:31:49] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/1029290 ripped out some of that manual deployment stuff which is complaining [21:32:54] For context that CI failure was introduced by https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/1028763. That patch removed `modules/query_service/manifests/deploy/manual.pp`. There's a hiera variable `deploy_mode` set to `manual` in `hieradata/cloud/eqiad1/wikidata-query/common.yaml` [21:33:07] anyway, it sounds unrelated. We'll delete the old puppet master if nothing else [21:33:43] We're trying to figure out if we can rip out that hiera file entirely like so: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/1029291 or if we want to just change the `deploy_mode` variable but still leave the eqiad cloud hiera intact [21:35:46] (My suspicion is the latter but I did the former in that patch for demonstratory purposes) [21:42:07] This is probably not helpful, but are you keeping track of the fact that you have git hiera and also project heira set in horizon? [21:43:31] andrewbogott: no, that's a complexity that I forgot until you mentioned it :D oh the joy of footguns [21:44:13] andrewbogott: wrt ` 'wdqspuppetserver-1'`, is that something you use at all or no? We don't use it so just trying to figure out if we can blow it away or ont [21:44:15] not* [21:44:19] Might be best to pick one or the other :) For our internal things we've mostly ripped out everything in git and moved to horizon-only (since you don't need root to edit) [21:44:35] ryankemper: I think that's the host that inflatador was asking about? [21:45:02] andrewbogott: yeah I'm basing off what he said above about you being the creator. just trying to figure out if anyone's actually using that server [21:45:13] likely not [21:45:19] ack [21:45:27] I created it as a replacement for wdqspuppet but I dont think anyone was using that either [21:45:32] thanks, and sorry for the confusion as inflatador and I stream of conscioussed :D [21:45:50] andrewbogott: yeah I looked into wdqspuppet and it was last used by me in early 2022 when we were doing early wcqs work before we had physical hardware [21:46:00] Confirmed, we don't use the wikidata-query project that much..just deleted the old puppet master [21:46:23] I can delete the whole project for you if you want! [21:46:56] andrewbogott: we'll check with a couple other team members, and if we get the all clear we'll ping you tomorrow about that (if you're around) [21:47:18] great! You can mark the project for death (or life) at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/News/Cloud_VPS_2024_Purge#wikidata-query