[10:35:57] hello ! I can't connect to tf anymore (I got this : 'ssh: connect to host login.toolforge.org port 22: Connection timed out') + when I ping it I have nothing back. Does someone know where does it come from? [10:37:12] https://ozon.ru/t/g9AVgYj [10:42:32] Echecs: works for me [10:45:28] Echecs: works for me too, can you check the output of 'host' command? (to see what IP you are trying to connect, or `ssh -v login.toolforge.org` would help too) [10:45:33] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/icWfnDKA/ [10:50:54] dcaro I have this : [10:50:55] OpenSSH_for_Windows_8.6p1, LibreSSL 3.4.3 [10:50:55] debug1: Authenticator provider $SSH_SK_PROVIDER did not resolve; disabling [10:50:55] debug1: Connecting to login.toolforge.org [] port 22. [10:50:56] debug1: connect to address port 22: Connection timed out [10:51:23] So same ip as you [10:55:36] Echecs: yep :/, I see you use windows, can you do `traceroute login.toolforge.org` or `tracert login.toolforge.org` (if you don't have traceroute) [11:02:19] Maybe your connection to port 22 are getting blocked by your internet provided. I got this problem in the past in my university. (re @wmtelegram_bot: hello ! I can't connect to tf anymore (I got this : 'ssh: connect to host login.toolforge.org port 22: Connection timed...) [11:05:31] dcaro it didn't find anything with tracert [11:06:35] albertoleoncio, I tried with different connections [11:06:51] It should have been able to get to the bastion :/ [11:07:22] Echecs: has it worked from that network before? Can you ssh to any other hosts from there? [11:10:04] Yes It has worked from that network for the first week I used it [11:10:46] I only have tf to connect to [11:12:13] but I don't think it's a ssh issue: ping and tracert don't give anything either [11:14:46] agree, tracert gives absolutely nothing? (if it stops at any ip, that might be the provider that is having issues/blocking/routing badly) [11:15:25] also, does any other toolforge site work? (ex. admin.toolforge.org) [11:15:37] as in, in https/browser [11:16:19] (that might mean that the problem is specific to login.toolforge.org or non-80/443 ports, not an isp routing issue) [11:40:49] yes admin.toolforge.org works [16:52:51] Are maintainers in gitlab supposed to be synced automatically from Striker/toolsadmin? I have a repo for a project I'm a member of where two members have access (marked as "added by Strikerbot") but I don't have access myself [17:14:22] valhallasw: it should copy ownership over at the time that a gitlab repo is created, but updating things later is still an open feature request. [17:43:00] OK! [19:42:50] Hi all! I'm currently trying to deploy a docker-based tool to toolforge as a webservice and running into a bit of trouble with `webservice build start `. When starting up on my toolserver, I get an `npm run build` error. However, when I do `npm run build` or `docker build ...`, `docker run ...` locally on my machine, everything [19:42:51] seems to be working fine. My dockerfile is at this link: https://github.com/htried/dp-pageviews-tool-ui/blob/main/Dockerfile and my nginx.conf is here: https://github.com/htried/dp-pageviews-tool-ui/blob/main/nginx.conf. [19:42:51] (and I've based my config files off of the tutorial for serving a vue.js website detailed here: https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/deployment.html#docker-nginx. Only thing that I've changed is that I'm listening on port 8000 because the toolforge docs allude to that) [19:52:41] HTriedman: the Toolforge build service uses buildpacks and not Dockerfiles. Nothing will even look at that Dockerfile you are referencing. [19:59:59] HTriedman: looking at https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/toolforge-repos/nodejs-flask-buildpack-sample might help you. That repo uses both the python and nodejs buildpacks, but most importantly builds a vue frontend. [22:37:26] All wikis are timing out now [23:38:40] The advice to look at https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/toolforge-repos/nodejs-flask-buildpack-sample helped a lot, thank you! One more issue: I've tested building my application locally, and it works. I'm trying to follow the guide at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Build_Service#Build_and_deploy. I'm able to successfully run [23:38:40] `toolforge build start https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/toolforge-repos/` — but when I run `toolforge webservice --backend=kubernetes --mount=none buildservice start` I get the following error: `Could not find a public_html folder or a .lighttpd.conf file in your tool home.` [23:38:41] Should `toolforge build start` create a public_html folder automatically? It seems from the docs like you should just run one command then the other. [23:41:26] HTriedman: hmmm.. the problem seems to be that `toolforge webservice` is misinterpreting your command. That public_html message would be from the default php7.4 type. [23:42:39] maybe try giving `--mount=none` later in the command? something like `toolforge webservice --backend=kubernetes buildservice start --mount=none` [23:43:09] trying that now! [23:43:24] Or make your life way easier and create a $HOME/servive.template that hides most of the args -- https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Web#Webservice_templates [23:44:10] that may have worked! [23:45:32] the argument parser for the `webservice` command is a bit fragile for hysterical raisins. It seems to get even weirder when used as a `toolforge` subcommand. [23:46:09] If I had a time machine I would advise Yuvi to not use multiple positional arguments in the cli design [23:48:28] ok last error — I copied the Procfile from the example you sent (https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/toolforge-repos/nodejs-flask-buildpack-sample/-/blob/main/Procfile) but I'm realizing now that's only for python. Are there any straight javascript example procfiles? [23:50:00] I didn't find any pure nodejs tutorials. Does your tool have a nodejs backend or just static files you need some webserver to serve up for you? [23:50:32] just static files on the front end [23:51:44] I have a hunch that the nodejs buildpack does not provide a default webserver. The easiest fix might be to use an Aptfile to install apache2, nginx, or lighttpd and then write a Procfile to start that webservice [23:54:09] a different thing to try would be using https://github.com/http-party/http-server [23:57:15] https://github.com/cloudhead/node-static looks like another fairly simple nodejs static webserver