[09:28:20] !log toolsbeta disabled PodSecurityPolicy admission plugin from apiserver static pod manifests (T368142) [09:28:24] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Toolsbeta/SAL [09:28:24] T368142: Toolforge: drop PodSecurityPolicy - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T368142 [09:30:34] !log toolsbeta disabled PodSecurityPolicy admission plugin from kubeadm configmap (T368142) [09:30:36] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Toolsbeta/SAL [10:02:08] !log tools disabled PodSecurityPolicy admission plugin from kubeadm configmap (T368142) [10:02:11] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools/SAL [10:02:12] T368142: Toolforge: drop PodSecurityPolicy - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T368142 [10:02:27] !log tools drop all PSP definitions for all accounts (T368142) [10:02:30] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools/SAL [15:47:17] Tools-db will flap briefly as I move it to the new network setup [15:48:34] all done [15:50:05] (will be another flap in a few minutes) [16:02:08] ack [16:02:23] there are some alerts, looking [16:03:13] the systemctl "mariadb" service did not start in the replic [16:03:48] not sure why, the logs show a clean shutdown [16:05:06] started manually [16:06:52] dhinus: can you stick around for another 10-15? I need to migrate -1 too (which seems more serious) [16:06:59] sure [16:07:06] the alerts are gone [16:07:46] to migrate -1, ideally we would failover to -3, but I haven't tested it yet, so let's just migrate and accept some downtime [16:07:53] if toolsdb uses the normal WMF Puppet bits for mariadb is won't start on boot on purpose. [16:08:05] bd808: I was checking and i think that's the case [16:08:06] *it [16:08:17] I was confused because it was running on -1, but that hasn't been rebooted yet [16:08:36] yeah, I was confused when I said there would be a flap, the flap is yet to come :) [16:09:09] andrewbogott: yeah, it's not automated, the next step is to test a "manual failover", which is tricky enough :) [16:09:17] automated one is step 2 :P [16:09:52] andrewbogott: for extra safety, I would do "systemctl stop mariadb" before migrating [16:10:00] ok [16:10:22] * andrewbogott waits for CI [16:16:01] * andrewbogott continues to wait for CI [16:20:49] dhinus: ok, now I'm going to stop mariadb and start the migration on -1 [16:22:17] let me know when it's done [16:23:01] migration is done, it's starting up now [16:23:16] I'll start mariadb [16:23:26] ...as soon as I can ssh... [16:23:40] ok, done [16:23:44] dhinus, check my work? [16:24:22] checking [16:24:24] * taavi restarts replication on tools-db-3 [16:24:27] -1 is still in read-only [16:24:47] dang, ok -- you fix or shall I? [16:24:48] yes, fixing [16:24:57] thanks [16:25:29] read-only set to off [16:26:48] all good now? [16:29:13] yep [16:29:36] dhinus: I think I'm done breaking dbs for today. Thanks for sticking around. [16:30:01] no problem, I was around playing with the wikireplicas... [16:54:10] On Toolforge, I am suddenly getting "no python application found, check your startup logs for errors" in my ~/uwsgi.log. But I have an app.py that has been working fine until less than an hour ago. I haven't made any significant changes to the setup. I made a minor tweak to code in app.py itself, but I've done that many times before without error. [16:54:11] Is there some kind of outage or could I be doing something wrong? [16:55:19] not that we are aware of, what tool is it? [16:55:32] "datalibrarian" [16:55:43] 👀 [16:55:47] thanks [16:56:35] unable to find "application" callable in file app.py [16:56:46] looking [16:56:47] Guest55: the actual error why it's failing can be found from higher up from the log. this looks like a bug in the app itself to me: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P65538 [16:57:10] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/9ZY1wVdb/ [16:57:28] yep [16:57:44] Ok thanks. I'll try and investigate. [16:57:52] 👍 [18:45:26] <121063> https://ads.google.com/aw/express/video/dashboard?campaignId=21373192692&ocid=6623206467&euid=1060546717&_u=9106847733&uscid=6623206467&_c=5528725483&authuser=0&enableAllBrowsers=1&mobile=1 [18:45:27] <121063> https://youtube.com/shorts/Ido5h121Evs?si=YGgWW1TubH8Z9McH [18:45:28] <121063> #范孝宗專攻資安相關性課程繼續加強雲端運算GA4_Al_AIl_GPS_AIP