[12:40:57] !log fnegri@tools-bastion-13 tools.stashbot ./bin/stashbot.sh restart # quit IRC after "connection reset by peer" [12:41:00] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.stashbot/SAL [12:47:49] I feel like I have messed up something while configuring a cloud VPS VM :( [12:47:51] When I try to ssh into it, it gives me [12:47:53] channel 0: open failed: connect failed: Name or service not known [12:47:55] stdio forwarding failed [12:47:57] Connection closed by UNKNOWN port 65535 [12:48:17] This is the videocuttool-bookworm.videocuttool VM [13:14:21] sohom_datta, are you able to ssh to other VMs? [13:14:51] Yep, I'm able to ssh into the other VMs [13:15:54] Hmm, it appears I can't anymore ? [13:16:37] I was able to ssh when I sent the message tho [13:17:01] ok, can you try videocuttool-bookworm right now? [13:18:43] Nope, still can't ``` [13:18:43] ssh -J soda@primary.bastion.wmflabs.org soda@videocuttool-bookworm.videocuttool.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud ``` [13:18:45] is the command I'm using [13:20:32] ok -- I have never used ssh -J so don't have an opinion about that. videocuttool-bookworm looks fine to me, but when you tried just then there was no connect attempt on the VM, so I suspect something is happening before or on the bastion. [13:20:40] Try connecting directly to the bastion as an experiment [13:22:17] ``` [13:22:18] ssh soda@primary.bastion.wmflabs.org``` [13:22:19] works as expected [13:24:06] I can't ping videocuttool-bookworm from bastion ``` [13:24:07] ping: videocuttool-bookworm.videocuttool.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud: Name or service not known``` [13:24:40] you have a typo, the hostname is videocutool-bookworm.videocuttool.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud [13:24:51] cutool not cuttool [13:26:04] Oh that also explains why I wasn't able to ssh into it 😂 [13:26:37] Yep, I can now ssh :) (after I fixed the typo) [13:26:45] yeah, and why everything worked for me :) [15:36:00] Is there a mechanism to take a snapshot of a VM before deleting it? [15:36:12] (Create snapshot fails with a 403) [16:56:48] sohom_datta it could be a bug. I created snapshots of "volumes" in the past (from Horizon) but never tried with vms. I think it should work similarly. did you shut down the VM before snapshotting? [16:58:30] leaving a VM in the shutdown state will consume similar resources to a snapshot anyway (just the disk space, and no cpu), so you can also keep it "off" until you are confident you won't need it anymore [23:25:25] !log toolhub Replaced toolhub-demo01 with toolhub-demo02 (T367556) [23:25:29] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Toolhub/SAL [23:25:29] T367556: Cloud VPS "toolhub" project Buster deprecation - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T367556