[14:56:29] How do people handle github SSK keys for toolforge projects? If I make a new ssh key for the tool and add that public key to my github account, that works. [14:57:00] But if I bring in a collaborator to the tool, they now have access to a key which is tied to my personal github, so that's not good. [15:09:27] Oh, maybe what I'm looking for is what github calls a deploy key? [15:09:28] https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/connecting-to-github-with-ssh/managing-deploy-keys#deploy-keys [15:34:43] * bd808 wonders why roy649 needs to push to github from the bastion in the first place [18:41:44] /me never pushes to GitHub (or GitLab) from Toolforge either tbh [19:12:30] I do occasionally need to take some code I've tweaked back to a repo, but I usually do that with a workflow of making a local commit, exporting it as a patch, scp'ing the patch to my laptop, and then applying the patch to a working copy there. [19:50:56] thcipriani: regarding https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/1053956, that patch is already applied locally. Do I need to revert it? [19:53:10] * andrewbogott reverts it [20:01:21] https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/label/BetaClusterBastion/ are the jobs that need updating to switch the deploy server in deployment-prep. I think that basically involves registering the new deploy server as a Jenkins worker node, applying the "BetaClusterBastion" label to it, and removing the label from the old node. [20:03:25] andrewbogott: ^ yeah, that's the reason I noticed it. Beta cluster deploys started failing. I hadn't had a chance to test the deploy server. But if it's good to go, it should be as simple as moving some things around in Jenkins, I just wasn't certain if it were time to do that, so I merged something to make jobs happy. [20:04:48] Wait, does that mean that reverting broke it again? [20:05:15] it's been busted since 17:03 UTC [20:05:21] https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/job/beta-code-update-eqiad/ [20:07:06] that shows it as having been working until I reverted 15 minutes ago [20:07:13] I mean, broken, then fixed, then broken again. [20:08:16] so thcipriani I'm at your service, you want that patch in or out? [20:09:00] "Last successful build (#504176), 3 hr 15 min ago" [20:09:14] andrewbogott: let's keep it in, and then I'll flail from there. That's the eventual state we want. [20:09:28] OK, I'll merge then [20:09:31] sorry for the breakage [20:09:31] thanks :) [20:10:01] eh, sometimes that's how progress gets made ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [20:10:26] * bd808 :homer-backs-into-bushes: [20:10:30] once you reapply, let me know and I'll fiddle with jenkins [20:13:36] ok, it's back [20:16:25] <3 [20:16:29] * thcipriani gets to flailing [23:16:51] !log logging Added self as project member to work on T369962 [23:16:55] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Logging/SAL [23:16:55] T369962: New beta deployment server unable to connect to logging logstash server in WMCS - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T369962 [23:21:03] !log logging Added rule to scap-access security group to let deployment-deploy04.deployment-prep.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud submit logs (T369962) [23:21:05] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Logging/SAL [23:31:27] !log logging Removed self from project members [23:31:29] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Logging/SAL [23:56:11] !log melos@tools-bastion-13 tools.stewardbots SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # SULWatchers disconnected [23:56:14] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.stewardbots/SAL