[00:01:14] dwisehaupt: we can totally setup a redirect to prod via the process at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Redirects#Creating_a_new_redirect [00:03:29] dwisehaupt: the "File a bug report in Phabricator" link on that Nove Resource page is the easiest way to get it done. I can do all the needful things with puppet and horizon [00:07:08] ok cool. [00:07:49] we're trying to plan the transition phase now. i'm hoping i can just tell qgil and folks to use the new and we just shut off the old. [00:08:05] it's easy to force it, but i like to be nice. :) [00:09:27] thanks to both of you for being responsive. [00:09:55] dwisehaupt: as a user with an account on that CiviCRM instance I'm more than happy to help :) [00:34:05] سریع [00:34:16] Alo [00:34:55] www. Alo. Com [00:35:11] https://t.me/wmcloudirc/71529 [11:42:10] Hey folks, Marco here from the Structured Content team at WMF. Is it just me or the `toolforge` CLI is broken? I'm getting a `ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'importlib.metadata'` when trying to execute from this tool: https://toolsadmin.wikimedia.org/tools/id/gogologo [11:44:33] mfossati: could you share which host are you running that from, and the complete command you are using? [11:47:18] hostname is `tools-sgebastion-10` and the command is `toolforge` [11:53:43] hm, is that the old buster bastion? [11:53:57] when I SSH to toolforge(-dev) I get tools-bastion-12 or -13 [12:00:49] I'm using Marseille's `bast6003.wikimedia.org` as the bastion host [12:05:19] which hostname are you connecting to? [12:05:54] (the main Toolforge hosts are their own bastions – most tool developers don’t have access to the production bastions anyway ^^) [12:05:59] looking [12:06:35] ok, `login-buster.toolforge.org` sends me to tools-sgebastion-10, so apparently that’s still running and reachable [12:06:39] mfossati: oh, you are running the toolforge clis directly on that bastion? (bast6003) [12:07:15] ack [12:07:40] mfossati: I can reproduce looking [12:07:46] @dcaro bast6003.wikimedia.org is what I set in my SSH config [12:08:29] per https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/SRE/Production_access#Setting_up_your_SSH_config [12:08:40] mfossati: should be fixed now [12:08:44] can you try? [12:08:57] wow that was fast [12:09:04] lemme check [12:09:21] it works! [12:10:56] mfossati: FYI, those instructions are for production SSH access, you shouldn’t need any ProxyJump for toolforge (https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Quickstart#Connect_to_Toolforge_servers_using_SSH) [12:11:04] though I guess it doesn’t hurt very much either, other than adding a bit of latency to your connection [12:11:20] ^ yep :), toolforge does not need to be accessed through prod bastions [12:12:13] ok cool thanks a lot for the prompt support folks! <3 [12:12:46] 👍 [12:12:52] also, if you’re connecting to `login-buster.toolforge.org`, I assume you’ll need to change that to `login.toolforge.org` sooner or later [12:13:00] but I don’t know how long the old bastion will keep running :) [12:13:53] not much, we will be removing it as soon as we can (trying to get alternatives for some flows that are not available/easy in the new bastions) [12:14:08] so if you can use login.toolforge.org, I'd recommend using that instead [12:15:40] indeed, I was using `login.tools.wmflabs.org` [12:16:27] aah, okay [12:16:49] too old I guess, haven't touched toolforge for a while [12:28:17] should we maybe point login.tools to the new bastion? or maybe remove it completely? [12:32:09] removing makes more sense IMHO [12:32:26] tools-sgebastion-10 could maybe also use a hint in the login banner at this point? [15:23:00] login.tools.wmflabs.org has been "deprecated" since the toolforge.org domain introduction in 2020 -- https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/News/Toolforge.org [15:28:54] * arturo has good memories [15:31:08] \o/ been using it for so long :-D [15:32:26] Hello all, [15:32:27] I am experiencing an issue while trying to SSH into Toolforge. The error message I am encountering is as follows: [15:32:28] user@hostname ~ % ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 username@login.toolforge.org [15:32:30] The authenticity of host 'login.toolforge.org (' can't be established. [15:32:31] ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:BD7PYn+h064QofXmhn69Ehos6skHvaki6MO+EOubL3Q. [15:32:33] This key is not known by any other names [15:32:34] Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes [15:32:36] Warning: Permanently added 'login.toolforge.org' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. [15:32:37] Connection closed by port 22 [15:32:39] If someone can help me sort it out, it would be a great help. [15:34:41] !log deployment-prep starting kask maintenance - T370461 [15:34:44] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Deployment-prep/SAL [15:34:45] T370461: Remove or replace deployment-sessionstore04.deployment-prep.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud (Buster deprecation) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T370461 [15:38:38] @Mahima: what is your username? [15:39:06] agarwalmahima: UNIX Shell username [15:40:11] Wikimedia Developer Account : AgarwalMahima [15:41:03] @Mohima: I am not seeing Toolforge membership as an attribute of your Developer account. [15:41:33] Yeah I have requested for Toolforge membership today itself. [15:41:54] you cannot access the servers until you are part of the project [15:42:34] Oh Okay that means i would be able to ssh into toolforge once my membership request is accepted. [15:42:57] yes [15:43:13] Thankyou. [16:18:29] Mahima, you're approved now :) [16:18:55] Thankyou :) [16:21:37] Yeah now i can ssh into toolforge :) [16:26:19] But the approval is not reflecting on my Wikimedia Tools admin portal. [16:29:32] Yeah it is reflecting now thanks [16:55:49] !log deployment-prep cancel kask maintenance, not going to perform switchover yet, see https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T370461 [16:55:57] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Deployment-prep/SAL [17:15:42] !log dcaro@tools-bastion-13 tools.api-docs deployed changes using toolforge cdn [17:15:44] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.api-docs/SAL