[15:37:22] Hey team, I'm wondering if anyone could look at https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T370826 today? [15:37:44] i.e. adding the duct.wmcloud.org subdomain to the duct cloud vps project [15:38:01] It's already be +1'd [15:38:08] s/be/been [15:47:54] kindrobot: I can have a look [15:48:41] Thank you! <3 [16:16:26] kindrobot: I'm not sure how this is supposed to work, I can see there's already a "duct.wmcloud.org" DNS zone in the "duct" project. do you have the rights to create DNS records there from Horizon? [16:31:44] Oh, maybe someone already did it and didn't close the task. We'll confirm and get back with you dhinus [16:32:08] thanks. my feeling is actually that cloud-vps creates that "default" subdomain automatically [16:32:15] when a new project is created [16:32:36] but I've never looked into this part of cloudvps/openstack before, so I might be missing something [16:35:15] oh maybe the missing bit is the cert generation [16:37:11] yes I think you can create the subdomain, but it won't work on the web proxy unless I do the work in https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Portal:Cloud_VPS/Admin/Web_proxy#Enable_per-project_subdomain_delegation [17:06:33] dhinus: it looks like it's working for us, including https [17:07:00] nice one! did you create the wildcard in Horizon? [17:08:04] or maybe it was created automatically by Puppet after my changes? [17:08:32] I added some Hiera keys as described in the wiki page above, I saw the "catalyst" project already had a similar setup [17:09:03] Yeah, we wanted the same setup as Catalyst for this one [17:09:48] We just tried creating a web proxy, and we saw that "duct.wmcloud.org" was an option. [17:10:00] nice [17:10:13] Then we made a wildcard domain and targeted it to an instance, and it worked :D [17:11:30] awesome :D [17:12:15] I'll call it a day then, have a great weekend! [17:27:12] * dhinus offline [21:11:22] !log lucaswerkmeister@tools-bastion-13 tools.lexeme-forms deployed bb61fc3c89 (l10n updates: vi [no actual translation changes, one addition to the authors, presumably their edit got reverted]) [21:11:24] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.lexeme-forms/SAL