[19:14:33] Quarry says my query is queued, waitinfor too long to run... [19:15:24] Have you tried restarting the query? [19:15:58] yes, does not work [19:17:43] What's the link to the query? [19:21:01] https://quarry.wmcloud.org/query/85187 [19:29:53] Yetkin: Give it a try now [19:30:05] Probably will have to push the submit button on the query again [19:32:01] it ran successfully. What did you do? šŸ˜Š [19:32:28] I restarted the deployments [19:32:42] Glad it's working [19:33:03] thanks [19:33:43] np [23:32:56] Hello, I'm trying to deploy an application using Node.js into Toolforge, it's my first time and I'm a noob with Node.js. [23:32:57] I was following th instructions available here (https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Node.js), but my application (infographics.toolforge.org) is returning a 404. If anyone is available to guide me on this issue, I would appreciate! [23:42:47] `kubectl get pods` says your tool is in CrashLoopBackOff status, so somethingā€™s probably going wrong in startup [23:43:56] and `kubectl logs` for the pod names says ā€œKilledā€, hmā€¦ not sure what that usually means (I think out-of-memory is one of the possible causes?) [23:45:40] hm, Iā€™m surprised to see that the docs recommend putting the `npm install` and `npm run build` into the start commandā€¦ I guess itā€™s simple that way, but it feels inefficient to me [23:46:42] maybe you can try running the `npm install` and `npm run build` in a `webservice shell`, so that the startup command is just `node server.js`? [23:47:12] (disclaimer, I donā€™t really have any experience with Node on Toolforge, just some Node.js and Toolforge experience separately ^^)