[00:00:32] That is their primary duty, yes. To perform the validation and data cleanup needed for a request to adopt or usurp a tool (abandoned tool policy) and to coordinate right to fork requests. [00:02:38] They can also choose to start other programs in support of the Toolforge platform like promoting best practices and protecting end user privacy. [04:14:58] Are there any specific qualifications y'all are looking for in committee members ? [06:13:54] Is whatever database that toolforge tools use, currently lagged by a few days? The "editor interaction utility" and "interaction timeline" links here are both misbehaving in a way that suggests they don't have data from the last 2-3 days. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Sockpuppet_investigations/Ottgeek&oldid=1238746069 [06:14:23] Yes. High replag [06:17:18] Currently ongoing https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T367856 [06:19:52] ty [06:20:07] If you want to monitor the lag: https://replag.toolforge.org [06:20:19] An update to /topic might help others with similar questions [06:42:39] ST47: Replag is fairly normal, it's probably worth the tool detecting if it's high and adding a link to the db maintenance page on wikitech or the Replag tool if it's high [08:58:47] Hello all! I get a 400 error (Bad request: The SSL certificate error) when trying to use new Toolforge API. What am I doing wrong? My source code (copied from docs) and command: https://pastebin.com/58f329Ft [08:59:38] Iluvatar: hi! nice, let me take a look [09:06:17] I'm getting name or service not known [09:06:17] urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='jobs-api.jobs-api.svc.tools.local', port=8443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/tool/wm-lol/jobs/ (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known')) [09:06:23] looking, that might be related to the current network issues we have been having [09:08:03] this works: `requests.get(f"{API_URL}/openapi.json", verify=False)` [09:09:05] ohhh... I htink it's missing a `/` at the end of the url, it's a weird error for it though [09:10:17] Iluvatar: so instead of `f"{API_URL}/jobs/v1/tool/{MY_TOOL}/jobs"` try `f"{API_URL}/jobs/v1/tool/{MY_TOOL}/jobs/"` [09:10:40] we should improve that, jobs is the only one that does not handle urls without trailing `/` [09:10:49] let me try also from within a container, just in case [09:12:32] dcaro: thanks, works fine! (/) [09:14:00] I updated the wiki just in case, but we should improve that error message [09:47:33] hi all, maybe it's a silly question… it looks like the debian 12 images come without cron installed. despite that, there seem to be a bunch of cron jobs set up in /etc/cron.daily. will anything bad happen if i install cron? (context: https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/ci-tools/patchdemo/-/issues/614) [09:49:53] I'm guessing that they got replaced by systemd timers instead [09:50:46] I don't expect anything to fail by installing cron though [09:51:02] let me play with one vm see [09:58:51] i'm concerned that the "built-in" jobs might run twice [09:59:09] (and i have no idea what they do, and whether that'd be a problem) [09:59:23] (it'll proooobably be fine…) [10:00:02] my guess would be that the cron scripts skip themselves if they detect systemd is installed (at least I saw that in some of them a while ago) [10:00:30] alternatively, maybe you can use systemd timers instead of installing cron? ^^ [10:02:38] systemd timers might be the way to go yep (future wise) [15:31:12] @sohom_datta: Cares about Toolforge as a platform and a community. Legally able and willing to sign the volunteer NDA. Can put 1-2 hours a month into helping. That's my whole list of criteria. [16:56:33] What is the "id" in the restart / delete methods of the new Toolforge API? Just the "name" of the job? [17:02:22] Iluvatar: yep [17:03:28] calling it "name" in /jobs/v1/tool/{toolname}/jobs and "id" in /jobs/v1/tool/{toolname}/jobs/{id} is something that could maybe be improved or at least clarified [17:04:21] yep, that would have been a nicer choice [17:04:50] it can be easily changed though (it's backwards compatible! xd)