[17:28:51] 2607:fb90:bf83:135d:e555:d22b:1f99:1a05 [17:31:00] iXsystems [17:31:01] Get a Quote [17:31:01] (408) 943-4100 [17:31:01] X.com logo previously known as Twitter [17:31:02] TrueNAS Discord [17:31:02] VendOp Logo [17:31:03] Enterprise Support [17:31:03] TrueNAS Enterprise Storage [17:31:04] Software [17:31:04] Systems [17:31:05] Company [17:31:06] Community [17:31:06] Solutions [17:31:06] Resources [17:31:07] Get TrueNAS [17:31:07] TrueNAS M-Series [17:31:08] Apps and Jails [17:31:09] TrueNAS apps expand your system’s capabilities by adding 3rd-party software quickly and easily. [17:31:20] Real-time performance monitoring, done right! [17:31:20] Nextcloud [17:31:21] Nextcloud [17:31:21] A file sharing server that puts the control and security of your own data back into your hands. [17:31:22] PhotoPrism [17:31:22] PhotoPrism [17:31:23] AI-powered app for browsing, organizing & sharing your photo collection. [17:31:23] Pi-hole [17:31:24] Pi-hole [17:31:24] DNS and Ad-filtering for your network. [17:31:25] Plex [17:31:25] Plex [17:31:26] Plex is a media server that allows you to stream your media to any Plex client. [17:31:26] Prometheus [17:31:27] Prometheus [17:31:27] The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database. [17:31:28] Storj [17:31:28] Storj [17:31:40] Audiobookshelf is a self-hosted audiobook and podcast server [17:31:40] Autobrr [17:31:41] Autobrr [17:31:41] Autobrr is the modern download automation tool for torrents and usenet. [17:31:42] Bazarr [17:31:43] Bazarr [17:31:43] Bazarr is a companion application to Sonarr and Radarr. It manages and downloads subtitles based on your requirements. [17:31:44] Briefkasten [17:31:44] Briefkasten [17:31:44] Briefkasten is a self hosted bookmarking app [17:31:45] Castopod [17:31:45] Castopod [17:31:46] Castopod is an open-source hosting platform made for podcasters who want engage and interact with their audience. [17:31:46] Chia [17:31:47] Chia [17:31:47] Chia is a modern cryptocurrency built from scratch, designed to be efficient, decentralized, and secure. [17:31:48] Clam AV [17:31:49] Clam AV [17:32:00] Firefly III [17:32:01] Firefly III [17:32:01] Firefly III is a personal finances manager [17:34:54] !help ^ [17:34:54] If you don't get a response in 15-30 minutes, please email the cloud@ mailing list -- https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Cloud_Services_communication [17:35:45] !kb Shanti71 [17:36:05] oh, too slow! [17:37:04] (transparency for the telegram side: the above ^ was in reaction to a bunch of IRC spam messages that I deleted here) [17:39:12] andrewbogott: I think you should be able to use the wmopbot !kb magic here too. https://wmopbot.toolforge.org/help has info, but it really is just `!kb ` and then the bot does the needful. [17:39:40] ah, good to know, thanks! [17:39:52] The bot checks to see that you have +o in the channel before it will respond [17:41:14] nice to know! [17:42:19] like so many things in the WIkimedia movement, we have some great tools and the hard part is learning they exist and then remembering that they exist [17:43:45] I go gathering them in https://wm-lol.toolforge.org/ [17:43:49] xd [17:53:51] What [19:27:51] Is it just me or is host dev.toolforge.org seems unresponsive? [19:30:40] seems to work alright for me [19:30:47] It just came back, weird [19:45:02] Hello, I was following the tutorial to create an attached volume in cloudvps, I was able to re-attach it to a new instance, and manually mount it. But does anyone know how to make the mounting persistent after restarting? [19:58:20] @notconfusing: if you used `wmcs-prepare-cinder-volume` then you should be able to see a line that it added to /etc/fstab that will restore the mount on reboot. [19:59:05] @bd808 , thanks! [21:34:35] By the way, will the caracal update allow us to attach a single volume to several instances? [22:06:46] Vincent, probably not. In theory cinder supports read-only multi attach but I've never seen it work. [22:08:18] Ok! [23:59:07] !log deployment-prep Added BetaDevOpsBot as a service account with admin rights for OpenTofu automation tasks [23:59:11] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Deployment-prep/SAL