[10:04:32] It seems we have zonestamp down right now @JeanFred dj - https://zonestamp.toolforge.org/ [10:08:57] 👀 [10:09:15] @bozzy just restarted the webservice and seems to be back [10:09:28] !log zonestamp restart webservice as it's unresponsive [10:09:29] dcaro: Unknown project "zonestamp" [10:09:30] dcaro: Did you mean to say "tools.zonestamp" instead? [10:09:41] !log tools.zonestamp restart webservice as it's unresponsive [10:09:41] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.zonestamp/SAL [10:09:58] Thaaanks [17:01:05] !log copypatrol copypatrol-backend-prod-01 deploy ed212c4..81ec727 [17:01:07] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Copypatrol/SAL [19:38:01] !log wikipathways deleting VM wikipathways-dev after email from project admin Alex [19:38:02] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Wikipathways/SAL [21:10:11] Hi. Does anyone have experience with hosting PHP based tool? If so, could you reach out to me for this tool https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/toolforge-repos/flickr2commons-ng [21:10:12] On the toolforge build, I receive the error "No buildpack groups passed detection." [21:13:34] I don’t have experience with PHP in Toolforge specifically, but my guess would be that the build pack PHP detector expects a top-level `composer.json` file [21:13:39] that seems to be what https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/My_first_PHP_tool has, at least [21:13:58] (I’m also not sure it’ll like the `public_html/` subdirectory) [21:14:29] (ah, nevermind, you specify that directory in the Procfile and the tutorial does something similar with `src/`) [21:18:50] Yupp, that's right. I added a dummy composer.json file and it built [21:19:19] \o/ [21:19:35] heh, nice, empty JSON was enough? :D [21:20:02] Indeed!! https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/toolforge-repos/flickr2commons-ng/-/blob/master/composer.json?ref_type=heads [21:20:31] well, empty JSON object.. don't know if an empty file works [21:20:50] yeah, I just tried it locally and composer doesn’t like that ^^ [21:20:57] which, fair enough [21:28:54] Thanks!