[05:57:06] dcaro: ok, thanks [10:46:28] !log jeanfred@tools-sgebastion-10 tools.wikiloves Register update-database-monuments2023 Toolforge job [10:46:30] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.wikiloves/SAL [11:43:58] !status Upgrading toolforge k8s version, no downtime expected [13:11:40] Hello folks - I don't know if it's related to k8s upgrade, but I cannot access anymore to ssh wlmitvisual01.wlm-it-visual.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud [13:13:03] Probably it's completely unrelated since it's a nova resource, not toolforge. OK apologies. Just restarting from horizon. [13:32:31] don’t mind me, just testing the bridgebot for a sec [13:33:01] hm, looks like the IRC->Telegram side is working but not vice versa? [13:34:46] ok, seems to be working 🤷 [13:35:00] ah, nevermind, just delayed by two minutes for some reason [13:37:41] !log wlm-it-visual horizon: Cannot connect to port 22 or 443. Hard-restart from Horizon. It works now. Boh. T373804 [13:37:49] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Wlm-it-visual/SAL [13:37:49] T373804: Request to reboot wlmitvisual01.wlm-it-visual.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T373804 [16:16:26] !log fnegri@tools-bastion-13 tools.wikibugs toolforge jobs restart irc [16:16:29] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.wikibugs/SAL [16:18:24] !log fnegri@tools-bastion-13 tools.wikibugs toolforge jobs restart irc [16:18:25] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.wikibugs/SAL [16:19:48] !log fnegri@tools-bastion-13 tools.wikibugs toolforge jobs restart irc [16:19:49] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.wikibugs/SAL [16:20:45] !log fnegri@tools-bastion-13 tools.wikibugs toolforge jobs restart znc [16:20:46] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.wikibugs/SAL [20:55:59] We have other database options on Toolforge besides MariaDB. I'm developing a tool in Django and apparently the MariaDB version is incompatible with some queries. [20:56:00] https://dpaste.com/EC86FPCUB [21:01:37] What query is it trying to run [21:15:20] Django ORM outputs as this: [21:15:21] https://pastebin.com/4L7tvCNn [21:20:00] and does Django know the database backend is MariaDB? [21:23:36] It knows as MySQL{1}, but the docs{2} says that is the same. [21:23:37] 1: https://github.com/WikiMovimentoBrasil/wikiscore/blob/feature/django/wikiscore/settings_env.py#L23 [21:23:39] 2: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/5.1/ref/databases/#mariadb-notes [21:24:43] apparently we’re running MariaDB 10.4.29 and “Django supports MariaDB 10.5 and higher” :/ [21:25:39] maybe downgrading to Django 5.0 would be an option? then it claims 10.4 support https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/5.0/ref/databases/#mariadb-notes [21:28:02] I'm at Django 4.2.11 already... (re @lucaswerkmeister: maybe downgrading to Django 5.0 would be an option? then it claims 10.4 support https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/5.0/ref/databa...) [21:28:09] hm [21:29:50] then that sounds like a bug in Django to me (generating an unsupported query), but not one that’s likely to get fixed :/ [21:30:08] unless it still supports MariaDB 10.5 I guess [21:32:00] actually, https://mariadb.com/kb/en/subquery-limitations/#order-by-and-limit and https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-reslimits-excerpt/8.0/en/subquery-restrictions.html sound like the limitation still exists in latest MariaDB and MySQL 🤷 [21:33:44] (I think I mixed up some words here – what I meant was, if the MariaDB limitation still exists in 10.5 or later, then that would still count as a bug in Django and probably be more likely to be fixed) (re @lucaswerkmeister: unless it still supports MariaDB 10.5 I guess) [21:38:08] It probably is, that's why I was wondering if there were other options. Maybe SQLite (the tool doesn't have that much concurrent use) or PostgreSQL. (re @lucaswerkmeister: then that sounds like a bug in Django to me (generating an unsupported query), but not one that’s likely to get fixed :/) [21:39:08] probably nothing officially supported, at least as far as I know [21:39:24] SQLite on NFS sounds painful even if traffic is expected to be low [21:39:44] but it might be technically possible to run a PostgreSQL container in a continuous job [21:40:44] hm, though I guess that ultimately still has to save the data in NFS, so maybe not the greatest idea [21:41:25] there’s another example of a continuous job container at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Tool:Containers#Redis_container [21:41:39] (but you’d have to get the PostgreSQL container image from somewhere else, the `containers` tool won’t have it) [21:44:07] Maybe with Trove? https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Database#User_databases [21:44:49] (PS: I've no idea what trove really means, but the docs say that...hehehehehe) [21:45:35] AFAIK Trove is only for WMCS projects, not Toolforge tools [21:46:16] (and I was going to say it probably also only has MariaDB under the hood but apparently it also supports PostgreSQL, so that’s cool) [21:47:36] hm, I wonder if it’s possible to create a Trove database in a cloud VPS project but then access it from Toolforge… [21:47:39] I think it does: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Trove_database_user_guide#Before_you_start (re @lucaswerkmeister: AFAIK Trove is only for WMCS projects, not Toolforge tools) [21:48:11] ok, looks like there’s something there that I can’t help out with :) [21:49:37] That's fine... I wanted to make sure there weren't any other options on the table. 🥲 [22:44:19] Hi, I am a newly created bot account. [22:46:14] I am testing Pywikibot at PAWS. The problem is, when I input the command pwb.py replace -cat:"April 2024 in Meitō-ku, Nagoya" -regex "\|([0-9]{3})\.([0-9]{4,})}}" "|\1.\2|region:JP_scale:5000}}" [22:47:40] It seems to be successfully executed, until the prompt 【Unknown type Conten type is image/png. Do you want save or display this file? [Save] [Display] [Cancel]】 [22:49:17] appears. Then the terminal crashes. Why did this happen? [22:50:17] I am testing this command at commons.wikimedia [22:52:52] MyNickname: Tototobot