[09:20:04] Hello - is there a way to login in WM GitLab? it asks me my OTP but it says "not valid" [09:21:04] Just to report that - instead - I can login successfully in Horizon [10:24:26] make sure you’re using the right OTP, GitLab’s is separate from Wikitech / Horizon / anything else [10:26:18] (as far as I know, at the moment IDM/SSO only centralizes the username+password but not 2FA, so any existing 2FA will be specific to each platform being logged into – though https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/cloud-announce@lists.wikimedia.org/thread/D4OLGDOPMUND3GKFJSKVQGXA26NORVY2/ sounds like 2FA will eventually be part of SSO too) [11:40:17] Anyway now after 2 hours I tried again with the very same OTP generator (that only has 1 OTP: WM Gitlab), and it worked 🌈 thanks (to who?) if you have done something [11:49:06] hm, weird [11:52:38] but good that it’s working now, I guess ^^ [14:14:18] FYI: Wenn I type in webservice php8.2 shell I see since a few days a message "Flag --wait has been deprecated, because it is not used by this command. It will be removed in version 1.29." [14:21:11] bozzy, my google authenticator app (on an android phone) tends to show stale tokens unless I swipe down and refresh right before entering them. Maybe that's what caught you. [14:51:27] Wurgl: that sounds like T373866 – I thought the fix was already deployed but maybe that’s still pending [14:52:34] andrewbogott: good point… for me even swiping down often doesn’t work so I usually end up forcibly restarting the app ^^ [14:57:35] Everything okay, no problem so far since you know it [14:58:17] yeah, it’s a harmless message, just annoying ^^