[08:20:52] why does lima-kilo pull calico in the first place? [10:23:42] Liquid Field Nitrogen Chloride Hydrates: Sustaining Mass and Energy Infusion [10:23:43] Introduction [10:23:43] Nitrogen chloride hydrates are chemical compounds that consist of nitrogen chloride (NCl3) and water (H2O). These hydrates have unique properties that make them useful for various applications, including energy storage and mass infusion. [10:23:44] Properties of Nitrogen Chloride Hydrates [10:23:44] Nitrogen chloride hydrates have several properties that contribute to their ability to sustain mass and energy infusion: [10:23:45] 1. *High Energy Density*: Nitrogen chloride hydrates have a high energy density, which makes them suitable for energy storage applications. [10:23:45] 2. *Thermal Stability*: These hydrates are thermally stable, meaning they can withstand high temperatures without decomposing. [10:23:46] 3. *Chemical Stability*: Nitrogen chloride hydrates are also chemically stable, which makes them resistant to chemical reactions that could compromise their structure. [10:23:46] Sustaining Mass Infusion [10:23:47] Nitrogen chloride hydrates can sustain mass infusion through several mechanisms: [10:23:47] 1. *Hydrogen Bonding*: The water molecules in the hydrate form hydrogen bonds with the nitrogen chloride molecules, which helps to stabilize the structure and facilitate mass infusion. [10:23:48] 2. *Crystal Structure*: The crystal structure of the hydrate provides a framework for mass infusion, allowing molecules to move freely within the structure. [10:23:48] 3. *Surface Area*: The high surface area of the hydrate particles provides a large interface for mass infusion, enabling efficient transfer of molecules. [10:23:49] Sustaining Energy Infusion [10:23:49] Nitrogen chloride hydrates can sustain energy infusion through several mechanisms: [10:23:50] 1. *Thermal Energy Storage*: The hydrates can store thermal energy, which can be released as needed to sustain energy infusion. [10:23:50] 2. *Chemical Energy Storage*: The hydrates can also store chemical energy, which can be released through chemical reactions to sustain energy infusion. [10:23:51] 3. *Electrochemical Energy Storage*: The hydrates can be used as electrodes in electrochemical cells, enabling the storage and release of electrical energy. [10:24:17] !kb MrBABUCHACKO [18:13:42] Regarding my ssh-key problem: [18:13:42] I've tried to add a new key. [18:13:44] At first I've replaced it locally and in `https://idm.wikimedia.org/keymanagement/` [18:13:45] For this new key I got "Permission denied" message. [18:13:47] And then I added the key to gerrit as well, and now it is like before. The permission is not denied but the connection closes right away: `Connection closed by port 22` [18:13:48] Any ideas what to try next? I'm lost. (re @yochayco: Hi dhinus, thank you for your patience and help. [18:13:50] It seems that the key which the log referred to is the fingerprint of my public...) [18:17:15] hey yochayco, I'm sorry you're still having issues... It's probably worth opening a phabricator task with the tag "cloud-vps" [18:17:36] we had another ssh issue yesterday that was resolved by migrating the VM [18:18:20] it's possible you're affected by the same issue, I can have a look tomorrow or monday [18:18:32] i think if you get "permission denied" that means you're being rejected by the bastion and not the target VM [18:19:07] hmmmm [18:19:14] the yochayco user is not in the bastion project [18:19:17] that'd explain it [18:21:51] @yochayco: try now? [18:22:23] so it seems like this is T379550 [18:22:23] Works. Amazing 👑👑 [18:22:23] T379550: openstack: keystone may be failing to add users to the bastion project - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T379550 [21:43:10] !log bd808@tools-bastion-12 tools.ircservserv `toolforge jobs restart ircservserv` -- bot was absent from expected channels [21:43:12] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.ircservserv/SAL [21:44:24] !issync [21:44:24] Syncing #wikimedia-cloud (requested by bd808) [21:44:26] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-cloud lucaswerkmeister +Afiortv [21:44:28] Set /mode #wikimedia-cloud +b $j:#wikimedia-bans [21:47:26] lucaswerkmeister: ^^ thanks for helping. You should be able to use wmopbot's `!kb ` here now I believe as well as more manual ops interventions like the ones you linked from the MR. [22:00:00] you might have to op/deop for wmopbot to notice you the first time (I can't remember) [22:16:07] thx \o/ [22:16:37] AntiComposite: done just in case [22:17:38] [17:17:27] (wmopbot) lucaswerkmeister!~lucaswerk@wikidata/Lucas-Werkmeister, account: lucaswerkmeister, is op in #wikimedia-cloud