[10:09:51] Hi! I recently created an account on Toolsforge and trying to connect to the MariaDB replicas. According to this documentation [https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Database], my understanding was that a credentials file would be automatically created on my Toolsforge home directory on account creation, which I should use as the [10:09:51] database credentials. However, I cannot see this credentials file. Please help in locating the credentials file or alternative means of accessing the MariaDB replicas. [10:11:23] johnmwangiwiki: let me have a look [10:11:49] what's your username on the toolforge server? [10:12:27] dhinus My username is: johnmwangiwiki [10:13:11] thanks. I see a credentials file in /home/johnmwangiwiki [10:13:37] creation date is about 20 minutes ago [10:13:56] Oh! Let me confirm that shortly [10:14:55] there is a small delay between creation of the account and creation of the credentials file, so if you looked earlier it's possible it was not created yet [10:15:41] Are you talking about the replica.my.cnf file? [10:16:59] !log lucaswerkmeister-wmde@tools-bastion-13 tools.phpunit-results-cache deployed a52ce2e14e ("https" branch, MR !5, not yet merged into main) for testing [10:17:02] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.phpunit-results-cache/SAL [10:18:53] If you're talking about replica.my.cnf, I had created that myself and getting the following error when I try connecting using those credentials: [10:18:53] ```ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to server on '' (115)``` [10:20:20] I’ve just deleted that file [10:20:29] it was world-readable and you put your password in there [10:20:37] I don’t know what password it was but please change it wherever you used it [10:21:23] the replica.my.cnf file and the credentials inside need to be created by the toolforge infra, you can’t create it yourself [10:22:23] lucaswerkmeister Thanks for the clarification! Is there anything I need to do on my end to trigger its creation? [10:23:11] I don’t think so, it sounds like there’s a bug somewhere (wouldn’t be the first time) [10:23:20] I’ll leave it to d.hinus and the other knowledgeable people to look into it [10:25:02] I'll leave it to dhinus to advise the way forward. [10:26:20] thanks lucaswerkmeister. I'll check if the process creating the file is stuck somewhere [10:27:06] thanks [10:31:41] !log lucaswerkmeister-wmde@tools-bastion-13 tools.phpunit-results-cache deployed 0f7720cc9d (main branch, after previously mentioned MR was merged) [10:31:43] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.phpunit-results-cache/SAL [10:46:16] johnmwangiwiki: I don't see any obvious errors in "journalctl -u maintain-dbusers" but I'm still investigating [10:47:49] Thanks for the update. I'll wait. [10:47:53] Raymond_Ndibe: maybe you know how to debug this issue? replica.my.cnf is not being created for this new user [10:48:40] I'm looking at maintain_dbusers.py but I'm not familiar with how it works [10:55:59] trying this https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Portal:Toolforge/Admin#Regenerate_replica.my.cnf [10:57:10] ah-ha that did the trick. johnmwangiwiki the file is now there [11:05:26] dhinus I'm able to connect to the replicas now. Many thanks for the help! [11:17:46] you're welcome! [16:24:11] o/ checking if anyone has a moment to look into this task around disappearing notebooks from PAWS (T385048) [16:24:12] T385048: Missing notebooks for an account - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T385048 [16:25:03] I'm back online. Let me see if I can find anything about the notebook [16:53:33] thanks! [17:03:57] I am going to start running scripts for today's planned work on https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/News/2024_Migrating_Wikitech_Account_to_SUL very soon. [17:07:08] godspeed [17:10:26] :O [17:11:05] what andrewbogott said [17:34:48] Amir1: when prepping slides for a presentation (that Arturo just gave) I learned that you are probably the #1 producer of SRE/infra tools on toolforge. It was great fun to click through all your dashboards :) [17:41:06] +1 [18:00:06] I didn't know that :D [18:06:23] <3 [18:08:47] Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but my Wikitech account was just migrated to SUL (user Bking -> Bking (WMF) ) and it seems I've lost write access to https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikidata_Query_Service and some other pages, is this expected? [18:13:27] inflatador: hmmm... have you done afresh login as the `BKing (WMF)` account? [18:13:33] *a fresh [18:14:16] The scripts I am running don't do anything to invalidate or update existing sessions, so I could see that causing some troubles. [18:14:17] dhinus (or others): can you do the maintain-dbusers magic for agamayasamuel? (see #wikimedia-hackathon) [18:14:54] lucaswerkmeister: on it [18:15:11] (I just saw the message on the hackathon channel) [18:15:19] thanks ❤️ [18:15:57] bd808 Let me try that again [18:17:48] bd808 yup, that did the trick! Sorry to bug [18:18:05] inflatador: no worries! glad it was just session stuff [19:04:12] !log lucaswerkmeister@tools-bastion-13 tools.ranker deployed 94e4c884d3 (l10n updates: diq) [19:04:14] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.ranker/SAL [19:04:33] !log lucaswerkmeister@tools-bastion-13 tools.ranker deployed 94e4c884d3 (l10n updates: diq) [19:04:34] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.ranker/SAL [19:04:48] oops, pressed arrow up one time too much and double-logged /o\