[00:03:49] I went ahead and added it to the prefix since the other designate values were there [11:07:01] > Puppet is having issues on the "gerrit.wikimedia.org (" instance in project [11:07:01] integration in Wikimedia Cloud VPS. [11:07:16] Got a few of these overnight [11:08:18] That is either an unlikely instance name, or... that email subject/body has lost a variable and now says this for everyone [11:08:39] I'm guessing the latter? [11:10:39] huh [11:10:54] Krinkle: can you share the email headers? that should reveal which instance that's actually coming from [11:13:00] It's not consistent there either [11:13:43] Received: from root by gerrit.wikimedia.org with local (Exim 4.94.2) [11:13:43] (envelope-from ) [11:13:57] Subject: [Cloud VPS alert][integration] Puppet failure on gerrit.wikimedia.org [11:14:07] From: root [11:14:19] Received: from integration-agent-docker-1047.integration.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud ([]:40278 helo=gerrit.wikimedia.org) [11:14:36] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/zgRdT6Zu [11:14:42] smtp.mailfrom=root@wmcloud.org; [11:14:42] dmarc=fail (p=NONE sp=NONE dis=NONE) header.from=wikimedia.org [11:15:12] [11:15:55] Quite a few functional values there have gotten messed up too, including dmarc fail as result [11:16:07] Although spf fine so still delivered? [11:16:16] so integration-agent-docker-1047.integration.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud does think it is gerrit.wikimedia.org for some reason (per `hostname -f`) [11:16:24] lol [11:16:32] Okay so a more localised issue [11:18:07] Although if there's a way to get the correct value maybe we don't need to include this one. So it is at least t correct/consistent in those kind of email [11:20:20] The email includes a diff from last puppet run on that instance saying: [11:20:45] --- /etc/resolv.conf 2025-02-18 14:01:53.773054774 +0000 search integration.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud [11:20:45] options timeout:1 attempts:3 ndots:1 [11:20:45] -nameserver [11:20:45] +nameserver [11:21:34] Might have something that do with it. Also converged_environment: production initial_environment: production, looks sus [11:26:59] I'm going to try to reboot this host [11:27:53] now it's back to being integration-agent-docker-1047 [11:28:39] Hei, there is a severe downtime on tool https://geohack.toolforge.org/ . Shows "404 Not found" in 9 of 10 reloads. Who can help? [11:30:00] Krinkle: yeah, that resolv.conf change is very suspiciously timed, the hostname in syslog changes just seconds after.. I think that was related to some experiment andrewbogott was doing [12:04:20] * andrewbogott here, catching up... [12:06:32] the resolv.conf change was just switching 'integration' back to the normal dns recursor after the network instability was fixed. [12:06:59] It is definitely the case that resolv.conf is also where the host's fqdn is set, but... that part didn't change did it? [12:09:20] soooo Krinkle I have no theory of how we got there :( Is everything working properly now? [12:13:36] * andrewbogott prepares to depart [12:27:58] !log maurelio@tools-bastion-13 tools.mabot Update mabot to latest pywkikibot-core stable 62fbca0 [12:28:00] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.mabot/SAL [15:31:39] !log bsadowski1@tools-bastion-13 tools.stewardbots Restarted StewardBot/SULWatcher because of a connection loss [15:31:41] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.stewardbots/SAL [17:50:06] if i run a webservice on toolforge are ssl certificates automatically handled for me? [17:50:43] yes, TLS is handled by the toolforge.org proxy [17:50:51] you’ll just see incoming HTTP requests [17:51:29] amazing [17:52:09] (on the port specified by the $PORT environment variable, usually 8000 https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Web#Other_/_generic_web_servers) [22:39:30] <İ> Giriş [22:50:35] Hello, is there any directive against using Google Analytics or other third-party analytics tools? What is the recommended approach for analytics? [23:07:08] My recommendation is you don’t need visitor analytics. [23:10:46] The Toolforge front proxy deliberately hides the client’s ip address from your tool to increase privacy. Adding a third-party tracking system to your application actively violates the spirit of that protection. [23:12:15] See also: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T133919 [23:39:43] Clear, thanks! [23:39:44] Is there a way for monitoring the tool usage while respecting privacy? For example, tracking the number of requests per day or per API endpoint? [23:51:46] https://toolviews.toolforge.org/ counts every request to a tool (the unique daily visitor count isn't working). You can also keep your own logs and analyze them, but without collecting personal data like IP addresses https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikitech:Cloud_Services_Terms_of_use [23:58:16] just want to confirm im doing this right before i actually do it so i dont blow something up: putting "" in ~/public_html/git-pull.php will pull the contents of the git repo to ~ when i push to gitlab, right? [23:58:43] (provided i set up the webhook in gitlab ofc)