[06:31:19] Morning o/ [06:35:02] hey Amir1 [06:35:31] so when are moving to slack? [06:35:39] * Amir1 hides [06:35:56] I would be happy to do so, just to see how Emperor's emacs handles that [06:36:52] A couple of years ago when I saw Joe is using emacs in FOSDEM, I took a vim book out of bag and gifted to him. Apparently it didn't work :( [06:37:10] Hahaha [06:37:21] joe is unfixable [06:37:41] Emperor: Welcome! [07:17:54] thanks :) [07:33:34] tbf emacs is a nice operating system, it just lacks a decent text editor [07:39:55] legoktm: Thanks! [07:40:30] Amir1: I heard most emacs users never heard this one [07:40:49] :D [07:41:02] old but gold [08:23:38] msg ChanServ op #wikimedia-data-persistence [08:26:43] ^redirect works [08:35:07] jynus: Thanks! [10:41:31] sobanski: you missed wmopbot [10:42:17] (I asked the -ops folks) [10:43:59] Done by majavah [10:44:51] I suggest you add chanserv flag +o to wmopbot, that way if there's a troll on this channel and no local ops around, ops of other channels can vote to kickban them on -ops [10:45:34] completely optional, but might come handy [10:49:11] note we have the wikimedia global ops added already [10:51:24] RhinosF1: majavah thanks [10:52:09] Np [11:42:58] legoktm: can you confirm that mailman3 access to the database is done via m5-master.eqiad.wmnet and not just db1128.eqiad.wmnet? [11:43:43] I am auditing all the grants in m5 as I want to turn the access via the proxies after we've moved wikitech (after the DC switch) [11:47:03] This is how I feel at the moment: https://c8.alamy.com/compes/rxayhb/arqueologo-excavando-ceramica-rxayhb.jpg [11:56:32] marostegui: the main one is m5-master https://github.com/wikimedia/puppet/blob/f532c0e83aef3ce04f038da2c0cfe0e20e6a0994/hieradata/role/common/lists.yaml#L17 [11:56:49] Great! [11:57:00] Then it should be all good [11:57:08] Famous last wordS? [11:57:54] https://github.com/wikimedia/puppet/blob/530de192cfe469fe10428f5c1f7c00464dcc8f77/modules/mailman3/manifests/init.pp both main and web are set from this variable [11:58:05] I can double check the config files in production if you want me to [11:58:09] but I accept bribe [11:58:26] If you check it, I will add the proxy grants, how about that? :p [11:58:38] Which aren't present at the moment from what I can see [11:59:43] your arguments are so persuasive I wonder you're not working for hostage negotiation [12:00:35] marostegui: just checked production both are that m5-master I linked in the hiera file [12:00:38] That's my second job! [12:00:54] Amir1: Excellent, so I will get the proxies grants added and then it should be transparent (sure.....) [12:01:10] I will give a heads up to all the service owners anyways before turning the proxies on in a month [12:01:17] I need to go for lunch, if you need me around, can you wait an hour or two? [12:01:17] As there are many moving pieces there that who knows [12:01:30] Amir1: yeah, this is not urgent at all, won't happen before the DC switch! [12:01:35] Thanks :* [12:01:38] coool [17:52:23] marostegui: would we need to restart mailman3 at that time so it drops active connections and reconnects via the proxy? [18:02:21] legoktm: The connections will end up in the same host (db1128) but yeah, if it doesn't drop the connections after sometime and reconnect when needed, we could nicely restart it to see them going thru the proxy instead [18:12:10] sounds good [18:12:42] I don't know offhand how long it keeps connections open, we're using whatever the default is