[08:37:10] sobanski: aw. i liked to think that "decommission " meant that DCops could just select a server of their choice to decom [08:37:33] kormat: Maximum Deletion! [08:38:01] The YOLO decommissioning paradigm [08:38:10] (we had a cyberman slack emoji at old-work for just such things) [08:38:28] Emperor: :D [08:38:45] I had to look up cyberman... not a Doctor Who person [08:39:07] sobanski, how do they decom servers in California? [08:39:30] jynus: this will never stop being an amazing fact :) [08:39:49] Also, probably in a chill way, maybe at the beach? [08:42:26] sobanski, did you see: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T262668#7288778 [08:43:38] Looking good! [10:07:36] marostegui: do you think 1 week notice is enough for an s7 switch? thinking about scheduling for next wednesday morning [10:08:09] I think that should be fine yeah [10:23:03] marostegui: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P17043 [10:23:28] oooooooooooh!!!!! <3<3 [10:23:31] * marostegui bookmarks that [10:24:01] it's very crude, but useful [10:30:35] we need somewhere to store these snippets [10:35:40] Emperor: operations/software - dbtools is probably the 'natural' place [10:35:45] at least for this one [11:00:46] 30 updates later, it's getting closer to something which works [12:20:54] marostegui: (non-urgent) can i get you to review https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T289129 please? [12:21:18] yep! [12:27:00] cal invite sent out [12:49:48] jynus: fyi, i'm going to be (slowly) working on replacing wmfmariadbpy over the next eon or two, hopefully starting this quarter. just wanted to give you a heads-up so you're not taken by surprise. [12:51:43] jynus: we can leave RemoteExecution in wmfmariadbpy for use by transferpy/wmfbackups [12:51:54] the replacement won't need it [13:04:14] I have a few dependencies, remoteExecution and the port section thingy [13:05:54] oh yeah, good point re: port-section [13:06:26] alright, made a note of that [13:07:00] may I ask about your general plans? if it a mere rewrite I won't be too affected, but if you are going to change package names and apis I would have to rewrite my code too [13:10:17] e.g. big arch changes (where endpoints are) or new languages introduced [13:10:29] endpoints? i'm not sure what that means in this context [13:10:38] as in, will you use cumin? [13:10:47] for the new db-switchover, yes [13:10:56] no new languages, it'll be python [13:11:02] with the same things expected on cumin* hosts be there still? [13:11:18] i guess? i'm not sure what you're referring to [13:11:19] e.g. the port section files [13:11:24] right, yes. [13:11:38] those are the thing that would affect backups logic [13:11:58] they follow from the port-section mapping part of the lib [13:12:01] e.g. I run backups from cumin because I expect the section-port api to be tehre [13:12:11] ahh i see. so from that perspective, no, no big arch changes. [13:12:26] ok, that makes me not worried :-) [13:13:17] just keep me up to date when doing changes, specially to those 2 things [13:13:30] will do 👍 [13:13:53] so I can prepare changes to code on my side in advance, and I don't block you 0:-) [13:14:31] the other thing I can see afecting me is if package names change, to update my package dependencies [13:14:47] thanks for the heads up, it is super-useful to me! [14:14:30] marostegui: orchestrator grants are missing for s3 sanitarium + wikireplicas. fixing. [14:15:23] mmm I see them there [14:15:30] (the hosts in orchestrator I mean) [14:16:27] `ReadTopologyInstance(db1154.eqiad.wmnet:3313) ReplicationLagQuery: Error 1142: SELECT command denied to user 'orchestrator'@'' for table 'heartbeat'` [14:16:44] marostegui: i'm guessing the user existed, but not the grant for the hb table. not sure. [14:16:45] Ah, so maybe the discovery grant was there but not the one to detect lag! [14:16:47] yeah [14:16:49] that could be [14:17:01] Thanks for fixing it - going offline now till Tuesday! :* [14:17:06] :D [14:17:08] o7