[06:13:03] marostegui, kormat: hi, I just wanted to check in and see if we're all set for the switchover? [06:13:31] legoktm: from our side yep [06:14:52] awesome :) [08:32:01] is it ok if I restart db2139? "db2139 is a DBStore multi-instance server" used for backup, not mw [08:32:14] no problem from my side [08:55:25] it is really nice to restart a buster host, everything starts and stops much faster [08:58:06] there is one big problem, though, prometheus exporters have dissappeared [09:00:07] Emperor, not sure if around, but any suggestion about this?^ [09:00:14] define 'disappeared'? [09:00:45] when I run systemctl [09:00:57] they are not neither active not in a failed state [09:01:06] the systemd @ until is still there, though [09:01:08] is db2139 an example host? [09:01:21] it is the only host I've seen this happen [09:01:24] after a restart [09:01:27] ok, looking. [09:01:48] he must be with a power outage [09:05:15] on puppet log I don't see any recent action [09:05:15] i think this is an intermediate situation [09:05:34] when matthew gets the new mariadb packages build and deployed, [09:05:47] then we'll be in the desired situation [09:06:07] systemd won't start PME on its own. the new mariadb packages will tell systemd to start PME when starting mariadb [09:06:17] inmediate action? Can I start them manually? [09:06:22] i've done so [09:06:25] ah [09:06:30] but yeah, that's the step for now [09:06:57] may I ask you to write some lines about this on the ticket, I haven't following closely all things [09:07:10] e.g. "until X, do Y on restart" or something [09:07:11] yep, will do [09:07:42] thank you for the help! [09:07:54] no problem :) [09:11:59] jynus: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T289488#7344095 [09:17:29] Bah, I should have wondered if there was suitable CI to build new packages :( [09:17:42] (or rather I did, but didn't do anything with that question) [09:18:06] Emperor: there is not. :) [09:18:15] he he, when I asked if I could auto-build debian packages on CD they told me- do you really want that? [09:18:16] or, at least i believe marostegui usually builds them on his laptop [09:18:31] apparently they only do that for mobile apps or something [09:18:57] Emperor, but there is a dedicated build host on our production, I think on Ganeti [09:19:03] deneb [09:19:10] it has a pbuilder setup [09:19:21] but i don't know if there's a reason that manuel doesn't use it [09:23:43] I think waiting for manuel is fine :) [09:23:59] [we can quibble later if "running but non-functional" is better or worse than "not running" :) ] [12:20:36] I don't cause we have historically used our own scripts for it