[07:30:12] dc have updated firmware on ms-be2045; I'm rebooting it and we'll see how its xfs partitions are. If they're sad, I'll reimage [08:00:21] looks OK. [08:02:26] Do we have a standard h/w stress test? I'd be inclined at this point to run that over the weekend, and if nothing further goes wrong look to returning this to the swift rings on Monday... [08:03:22] (we used https://packages.debian.org/stretch/stress in a rather ad-hoc way at $job[-1]) [09:56:31] going with 'sudo stress -t 1h -c 15 -i 10 -d 10 -m 10 --vm-bytes 10G' and if that looks good, I'll run it for longer over the weekend [10:07:39] there's no real standard tool, I think for similar tests in the past stress-ng has been used, but stress should be equally fine [10:27:08] It seems to be doing the job :) If this runs for a couple of days OK over the weekend, then I'll be happy to start putting it back into service next week. [10:45:36] Emperor: fyi check systemd status alerted [11:15:05] yeah, consider marking it as notifications disabled on puppet during the weekend if not done yet [11:15:32] avoids having unnecesary open alert spam [12:42:00] jynus: hey. i was trying to restore a few (small) files onto mwmaint2002, but bacula says the status of the restore job is "Error". (jobid=377732). i'm unable to figure out how to get more details on what the error was [12:42:41] the log can be checked [12:42:56] on backup1001 /var/log/bacula/log [12:43:07] let me see [12:43:41] ohh. ok, i see it now. [12:43:50] the answer is: a lot of pain [12:44:00] i was trying to restore something that was lost due to a reimage [12:44:06] ah, I see [12:44:09] so of course "Error: Missing private key required to decrypt encrypted backup data." [12:44:15] in that case, you need to use the other method [12:44:22] as the client key was lost [12:44:54] the other method looks faaar more painful than just letting the data be lost in this case [12:45:18] I don't mind doing it for you if you give me a path [12:46:04] check because the restore is likely to have been executed- just the files will be empty, btw [12:46:15] yeah it was/they are [12:46:24] jynus: nah, it's not worth that amount of effort. thanks for the offer, though. [12:46:32] give me some path I can doit, no pain for me [12:46:45] just give me some minutes so I can finish something [12:47:08] or whatever you prefer, my offer is still open :-) [12:49:27] mm, ok :) on mwmaint2002, i'm looking for these files from my homedir: `.bash_history`, `.bashrc.local` and `bin/pcpurge-status`, from before 2021-09-15 (it was reimaged on the 16th) [12:50:02] ok, give me a few minutes, and I will get those for you if I can (on a subdir so I don't delete anything) [12:50:16] perfect [12:50:35] restoring things regulary is something I like to do to test nothing is broken :-) [12:50:55] better if they are useful to someone1 [13:12:57] kormat, check mwmaint2002:/home/kormat/restore/home/kormat [13:13:18] I can give you some more files (or all) now easyly, later it will be harder :-) [13:14:05] I chose the incremental on the 16th as the backup was from around 4am that day [13:14:29] but can give you the 15 or any other day :-) [13:14:56] jynus: wonderful, thanks! that's everything i needed [13:15:13] cool then, so I will restore pupet on the host and delete the private key [13:15:26] happy to have a client satisfied! [13:15:28] :-) [13:17:31] 💜 [13:18:01] http://jynus.com/gif/%3C3.gifv [13:18:16] :D [13:18:42] Only free this month, the jynus_reactions pack on telegram!