[09:43:17] (PrometheusMysqldExporterFailed) firing: Prometheus-mysqld-exporter failed (db1119:9104) - https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000278/mysql-aggregated - https://alerts.wikimedia.org [10:09:31] interesting [10:11:00] Oct 09 09:12:02 db1119 prometheus-mysqld-exporter[25582]: time="2021-10-09T09:12:02Z" level=error msg="Error pinging mysqld: Error 1226: User 'prometheus' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 5)" source="exporter.go:119" [10:11:04] going to try restarting it [10:13:16] (PrometheusMysqldExporterFailed) resolved: Prometheus-mysqld-exporter failed (db1119:9104) - https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000278/mysql-aggregated - https://alerts.wikimedia.org [10:54:41] (it looked to have been started up at the same time as the mysql process like you'd want) [19:25:20] Hey, has anyone here used flush ssl before? I've had it ran on a db after a certificate renewal but the ssl_server_not_% variables aren't updating [19:43:15] Apparently you just need to exit & open the shell again