[09:47:09] mmmh I can't see any graph on tendril, is it just me or there is some known issue? [09:48:11] volans: answer is almost certainly yes [09:48:26] volans: so.. what do you mean by 'graph'? [09:48:29] https://tendril.wikimedia.org/tree ? [09:48:41] https://tendril.wikimedia.org/host/view/db1163.eqiad.wmnet/3306 [09:48:48] metrics [09:49:02] or did we deprecate/removed them? [09:49:03] I remember manuel disabling some functionalities not a long time ago [09:49:11] but cannot remember the details [09:49:29] volans: oh, yeah, use grafana :P [09:49:31] the linked grafana dashboard too has a lot of missing data [09:49:32] in any case, you should have a link to the equivalent prometheues ones [09:49:34] https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000607/cluster-overview?cluster=mysql&orgId=1&var-datasource=eqiad%20prometheus%2Fops&var-cluster=mysql&var-instance=db1163 [09:49:48] at "[ Prometheus host metrics | MySQL instance metrics" [09:49:58] volans: https://grafana-rw.wikimedia.org/d/000000273/mysql?orgId=1&from=now-1h&to=now&var-server=db1163&forceLogin=true [09:50:38] volans: i've never seen the 'cluster overview' dashboard before [09:50:56] it's what is linked there :D [09:51:24] volans: step 1: don't look at tendril. step 2: if you disregard step 1, don't complain about getting useless data [09:51:35] lol [09:51:35] for grafana, you should ping obs team [09:51:45] volans: https://orchestrator.wikimedia.org/web/cluster/alias/s1 [09:51:51] (for the common dashboards, I mean) [09:52:11] cluster, host, etc. [09:52:21] thanks :) [09:52:51] I need m3 actually but yep [09:53:17] but I was thinking of creating a separate host one without the less useful metrics (disk usage) and more useful to me (bytes utilization, iops, etc.) [09:54:33] feel free to ping me if you decide to create a new one, we may have common needs! [09:54:58] me? surely not :) [09:55:07] I just needed to check some data [09:55:09] volans: click the 'clusters' dropdown at the top [09:55:24] would be nice to have the cluster name in grafana [09:55:25] we Fancy now [09:55:48] volans, I may also be able to provide detailed size metrics from the backup metrics too [09:56:03] but those are not public out of privacy concerns [11:25:00] godog: I expect to finish ms-be2045 tomorrow, FWIW [11:25:54] (so yeah, we can surely do more codfw hw next week - is this adding more be hosts?) [11:42:57] Emperor: sweet! yeah bringing the new hosts up to full weight in T288458 [11:42:57] T288458: Put ms-be20[62-65] in service - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T288458 [15:11:20] TIL swift-dispersion-report -j doesn't emit valid JSON :( [15:12:23] (specifically, it always outputs "Using storage policy: standard" or whatever before the JSON output, so the result isn't valid JSON) [15:15:20] ...fixed upstream at least [15:17:11] (and in bullseye) [15:17:44] Emperor: i had a sad a few months ago when i discovered that gerrit _deliberately_ emits invalid json [15:18:04] 😢 [15:18:46] i don't remember the exact justification, but it had something to do with the web having godawful security [15:19:05] and on that note, https://orchestrator.wikimedia.org/ is now running the latest version! ;) [15:20:01] \o/ [15:20:04] cool! [15:20:54] Emperor: thanks again for your help battling the debian-packaging demons who plagued me at the start 💜 [15:22:38] YW :) [15:27:29] * jbond also hit the gerrit json issue https://github.com/wikimedia/puppet/blob/production/utils/pcc.py#L106-L110