[06:41:12] I am going to switchover codfw s1 master (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T290865#7439279) [07:33:06] Job ad is up - https://boards.greenhouse.io/wikimedia/jobs/3565140?gh_src=f5694baa1us [08:09:39] depooling swift{,ro} from codfw so I can add load per T288458 [08:09:40] T288458: Put ms-be20[62-65] in service - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T288458 [08:19:36] marostegui: is it safe to run a schema change against s8/codfw now? [08:19:41] i see you're breaking s1 today instead [08:26:31] Hm, putting commit ids in commit messages doesn't seem to do anything useful (gerrit turns them into a link that just refers back to the CR in progress); and if I edit the commit to include the Change-Id instead that results in a link that says "no changes". Oh well. [08:26:31] yes! [08:26:35] safe to run [08:28:00] Emperor: what are you trying to do? [08:33:26] volans: see the change message in https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/software/swift-ring/+/731878 - I wanted to refer the reviewer back to commit a31b690a19a72e8e8dffd243ed4ebceddcdd7390 where ssd_weight was set to 311; gerrit has made a hyperlink of that commit hash, but it just links back to this CR [08:36:40] interstingly linking the change ID (that usually is the way to go) of that commit says no change [08:36:59] yeah, I tried that and it was even more confusing :-/ [08:37:05] do you/go.dog ever force-push to this repo? [08:37:26] I haven't, dunno about go.dog [08:38:05] because the Change-ID should always link to the related CR so this is weird [08:38:31] like if it was pushed (even without force) without passing through gerrit [08:38:49] I might have force-pushed in the past yes, can't remember atm [08:38:56] in that case you can't link it ;) [08:39:14] sth else I had done before realizing it wasn't the right thing is reusing commit messages, which included change-id of course [08:39:17] right, so the answer is I should be using Change-ID, that just didn't work on this occasion [08:39:24] Emperor: you could link [08:39:25] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/operations/software/swift-ring/+/a31b690a19a72e8e8dffd243ed4ebceddcdd7390%5E%21/ [08:39:28] if you want in this case [08:39:43] or just the commit [08:39:44] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/operations/software/swift-ring/+/a31b690a19a72e8e8dffd243ed4ebceddcdd7390 [08:40:48] Emperor: correct :) [08:41:11] ta, noted for future reference [08:41:43] now I can be confused by regular things like why account.builder has 100.0 weights in eqiad and 92.0 weights in codfw... [08:43:10] I'll reply on the review but tl;dr is histerical raisins [08:44:29] * Emperor goes to update the CR to have nonobject_weight back to 92 [08:54:25] (a bit fiddlier than expected) [08:55:24] 🎻 [09:00:02] :p [09:14:19] I have switched codfw s1 master [09:14:23] I am doing clean up tasks now [09:14:29] and making sure everything is fine [09:17:52] kormat: you can proceed with the schema changes on codfw s1, the new master is db2103 [09:18:06] * kormat senses a trap [09:23:40] "you are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike" [09:30:01] kormat: are you running a schema change on s1 now? [09:30:15] marostegui: it's just finished running, replicating now. [09:30:21] ah cool [09:30:25] I was scared as I saw lots of lag [09:30:54] good. :) [09:34:05] I was finally able to close https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T273280 [09:34:23] wooo! :D [09:34:44] only 10 months to roll out a kernel upgrade. new record! [10:21:51] ... [11:50:37] Emperor: it is nice not to have to restart prometheus exporter anymore, thanks for the work there [13:03:02] you're welcome :) [14:06:34] marostegui: trying to appease our demanding users ;) https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/731977/ [14:07:43] I will check in a bit [15:29:08] marostegui: any issues with me running some more schema changes against codfw? [15:29:54] kormat: you can go ahead [15:30:02] damn [21:07:01] hiyo, for https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T284150, I'm looking for a recent best practices example in puppet of running a multi instance mysql server. Am poking around, but is there one you'd recommend I try to emulate?