[14:34:21] hiya, I'd like to make a snapshot from a master and use it to restore a replica. Is this possible with the supported tooling? https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T295312#7490433 [14:34:28] marostegui: ^ ? [14:35:17] ottomata: Manuel is off today and I don't have enough knowledge in this part to answer your question :( [14:35:46] ...kormat ^ ? :) [14:46:55] ottomata: hi. i saw that, but i think that's a jaime question [14:47:05] i'm not familiar enough with the details [14:50:49] okay thanks...what's jaime's IRC? either i've forgotten or I don't see him. jcrespo? [14:51:26] jynus [14:51:36] he's currently on vacation, back thursday [14:51:36] but he's off for the next couple of days [14:51:39] ah ok [14:51:46] thanks [14:51:51] btullis: FYI ^^ [15:06:44] ottomata: quick reply I'm off today, I don't think that will work, but you can either use xtrabckup or transfer.py --type xtrabackup (or something like that) to generate that copy [15:07:50] oh, just directly from transfer.py, and then use the postprocess bit of backup-mariadb to fix the copy? [15:09:13] no, transfer.py to generate the copy and then xtrabackup once the copy is generated to prepare it, I think there's doc on wikitech. I'm currently on a plane so I cannot check, I can look for it tomorroww [15:17:38] ok, thanks marostegui [15:19:55] Gotcha, thanks both. I'll proceed with caution. All I really need to do as a minimum is install percona-xtrabackup and/or mydumper on an-coord1002, because neither is available to create the initial backup. [15:21:16] `xtrabackup` is already installed on db1108, which is the destination host, so that can carry out the *prepare* bit of the task. [15:21:42] btullis: if show, then i guess transfer.py launched from cumin will get you what is needed from an-cood1001 [15:22:24] Actaually, scratch that. My mistake. xtrabackup is already installed on the source (an-coord1001) as well. [15:23:34] you cannot use xtrabackup with mariadb 10.1, you need to use higher than that [15:24:38] i think we are using ii wmf-mariadb104 10.4.18-1 amd64 MariaDB plus patches. [15:47:46] Agreed. Proceeding carefully with the `transfer.py --type xtrabackup` method. Will update here if I have any queries or issues. [16:08:00] Running this now from cumin1001 `time sudo transfer.py --no-encrypt --type xtrabackup an-coord1001.eqiad.wmnet:/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock db1108.eqiad.wmnet:/srv/sqldata.analytics_meta.T295312` [16:08:00] ` [16:08:01] T295312: Recreate analytics-meta replica on db1108 from master on an-coord1001 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T295312 [18:31:16] Just FYI, it looks like transfer.py can't copy files directly between an-coord1001 and db1108, probably because it's crossing the analytics vlan barrier. I'll make a local backup with xtrabackup on an-coord1001 first, then transfer it as a secondary step.