[14:06:13] sobanski: i'm going to merge the db-host-down-alerting change now, send a mail out to ops@, and then mention it in the staff meeting [14:10:18] 👍 [14:16:42] merged, mail sent, item added to sre meeting agenda. [14:35:00] we are getting rid of A LOT of XML. compare these two [14:35:00] https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&titles=File:Kepler(1920).djvu&prop=imageinfo&iiprop=metadata [14:35:00] and https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&titles=File:!May_mes_monarquia!_(1873).djvu&prop=imageinfo&iiprop=metadata [14:38:27] poor endangered angle brackets [14:41:37] XML can get in the sea already as far as I'm concerned :) [15:25:38] Emperor: someone needs to push it to the sea? :P [16:11:54] wrap it in json [16:11:57] then who cares [16:13:51] :P [16:28:00] XML is way nicer to work with than JSON in pretty much every context other than hand editing and javascript. [16:28:38] better parsers, streaming parsers, good libraries for data extraction, good libraries for data transform [16:28:56] comments! [16:37:16] compress xml into gzip format > base64 encode > embed in json > compress using lzma > reference json file in yaml config > write 12GB java app to transform between file formats > throw everything to the garbage and relocate to a inhabited, remote island in the Pacific [17:53:13] json is much smaller :D [19:08:32] jynus: Hi, I want to change GRANTs of wikiadmin user in db2100 which according to puppet is a dbstore_multiistance (backup storage?). Any comment/concern? [19:32:13] actually, nvm s8 ones are already fixed [19:49:28] fixing grants of db2101:3315 (s5) on wikiadmin user, I did it live