[05:16:04] great job handling db1131 Amir1 [05:16:38] I wish I could do better, but it's good to have a SRE living in pacific ocean timezone [05:17:38] indeed! [05:17:49] I am going to raise the priority to high though, as it is the candidate master for s6 [05:18:09] sgtm [07:44:32] marostegui: I'm off to rest, there is a script running for s7, in mwmaint as my screen. it should be fine though. djvu fixes for s4 is also running in screen. [07:45:00] sounds good [07:45:03] get some rest [08:29:14] ah, good, yesterday's faffing around getting more kern.log entries for T295563 seems to have done the trick (so hopefully the disk will now get replaced) [08:29:15] T295563: hw troubleshooting: disk failure (sdr) for ms-be2059.codfw.wmnet - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T295563 [08:29:36] :-) [10:18:34] backups worked much faster, now that the 3 hosts are back at 100% utilization :-) [10:19:10] they were ready by 4am, just as manuel gets up :-) [10:20:14] hahaha [10:25:12] I think scheduling backups in the most optimal way is an NP-hard problem 🤔 so I won't waste much time over-optimizing [11:24:11] "Reimage db1125 (test cluster) with Bullseye" 👀 [11:24:32] :) [11:24:53] great idea to try to keep 10.4 [11:33:53] FYI db1101:s7 seems a bit stressed at the moment: https://logstash.wikimedia.org/goto/8c587eac08efe9f0639720b76e93e18b [11:35:05] probably Amir1's script [11:35:44] to keep an eye: https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000273/mysql?viewPanel=3&orgId=1&var-job=All&var-server=db1101&var-port=13317&from=1637192114848&to=1637235314848 [11:35:58] it is mainly from the jobrunner anyways [11:36:34] it think it is that because it is the main user of wait for replication, it is because it is lagging 1-2 seconds [12:10:52] what was the bug about binlog not working properly after an upgrade and that it wasn't on the release notes? did that get fixed? [12:11:30] What's that bug? [12:11:46] that's the thing, I cannot find it [12:11:53] I remember you upgrading a minor version [12:12:10] and something about replication enabling or disabling being replicated [12:12:14] an alter maybe? [12:12:17] ah [12:12:20] the optimize [12:12:23] yeah, that's not fixed [12:12:23] and that monty was going to see it [12:12:27] I pinged them a week ago I think [12:12:34] https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-26618 [12:12:52] thanks, I couldn't find it [12:13:09] hey, it's not phabricator, search should work fine :-P [12:13:30] I didn't remember if was optimize or alter or something [12:13:47] yeah, it is "limited" to optimize [12:16:12] I am going to at least vote for it [12:16:26] pleeease!