[05:44:55] Amir1: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T296274#7532862 [06:47:37] good morning [06:49:56] marostegui: it is possible that I messed it up somehow but for most cases I ran it with a script that automatically disables replication [06:50:15] I didn't get a page for it, where can I look for pages? [06:51:05] it was a backup source, so no pages [06:51:14] I just saw it when I started the day and looked at icinga [06:51:19] but no worries, it is fixed now [06:52:29] thanks. I just want to check when I make changes to avoid more replication issues. [06:52:41] I check icinga more often tehn [06:54:44] btw, a volunteer found the auto_increment id issue for geotags [06:54:45] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/GeoData/+/742272 [06:55:42] ha, that reminds me of https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T143366 [11:41:55] jynus: so for iterating over hosts from a bash script, for example, i do something like this: [11:41:56] ``` [11:42:00] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/LIKuyYsn/ [11:42:16] (meh. screwed up formatting a bit) [11:44:17] basically get the list of hosts from cumin, and use zarcillo to map host to instance [14:23:43] Is my IRC client correct that jynus isn't in this channel ATM? [14:24:47] yes [14:25:10] probably something I said ;-) [14:25:26] marostegui: i'm surprised you didn't mention how if Emperor was on a map they wouldn't be uncertain [14:25:30] er, mac. [14:26:27] kormat: His life is hard enough with linux+emacs that I don't want to remind that to him [14:26:34] :D [14:26:36] so kind [14:27:27] All that money I didn't spend on Mac hardware means I can buy a lot of beer to cope with the hardship ;-) [14:27:58] but probably not online as you'd need to recompile the kernel to run the browser [14:28:19] lol