[10:49:48] I am going to shutdown db1102 for hw maintenance: T296546 if for some reason there is a delay and I am not around when it has to be put up, remember to check available memory (it may have changed) or mysql instances there could crash. [10:49:49] T296546: hw troubleshooting: memory stick failure (uncorrectable error + reduced available memory) for db1102 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T296546 [10:50:09] or just wait until I am around on the 9th [11:16:53] ah, so I don't have to shut it down on Tuesday? [11:17:13] oh, is this the same as the moving rack? [11:17:32] ah, no, that's a difeerent server/dc [11:18:03] T296546 vs T296930 [11:18:03] T296546: hw troubleshooting: memory stick failure (uncorrectable error + reduced available memory) for db1102 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T296546 [11:18:04] T296930: codfw: relocate servers in rack D6 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T296930 [11:18:41] it is quite confusing, maybe I can write a handover summary at the end of my today with the ongoing status (it may change=) [11:19:21] everything is on ticket, but a 2 line reminder may help clarifying it [11:22:11] ah ok sorry! [11:22:20] good thanks! [15:18:19] marostegui: This schema change needs to happen on a table that's 100GB in arwiki: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/FlaggedRevs/+/743403/1/backend/schema/mysql/patch-flaggedtemplates-fr_title.sql [15:18:32] dropping PK, adding PK. [15:18:35] Have fun [15:19:37] Amir1: behave [15:19:50] :P [18:43:20] Anything happening over here that would preclude me doing a depool/maintain-views/repool dance on the wiki replicas? [18:55:52] * andrewbogott does