[08:53:22] I'm still holding out for abstract databases [09:32:50] db2078 is up and running now [14:54:57] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/1yoQRU2o/image.png [14:55:17] Amir1: perfect use of template :D [14:55:22] and 🫂 [14:55:45] I need it [14:56:15] Hopefully T297189 reduces it size for real [14:56:16] T297189: Schema change for dropping ft_title and ft_namesapce - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T297189 [14:57:44] I'm going to continue removing wikiuser@localhost user in the fleet [14:57:58] T296537 [14:57:59] T296537: Check and fix GRANT issues of wikiuser - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T296537 [14:58:27] Amir1: if we had proper offboarding automation, this would have all been fixed automatically when the last CTO resigned [14:58:50] lol [14:59:15] kormat: and the credit card removal from github: T264142 [14:59:15] T264142: Remove Ladsgroup's Paypal from GitHub Org - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T264142 [14:59:27] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T264142#6506057 [14:59:52] Everytime I remember this, it's like the first time [15:44:10] * Emperor boggles gently [15:45:17] ...and also discovers they're still not a member of the WMF github org :( [15:49:25] Grants: The gift that just keeps on giving: T297297 [15:49:26] T297297: Investigate the unusal dbs in s3 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T297297 [15:58:30] Amir1: 😮 [15:59:50] My favorite is "katesdb", no mention of it in SAL, wikitech, or phabricator (it shows up in some lists though) [15:59:52] who is Kate? [16:00:15] who isn't? [16:00:37] my default kate is https://twitter.com/thingskatedid, because they're Wonderful. [17:18:30] the codfw switchover for logstash backend means I can finally finish the slow queries dashboard tomorrow