[12:20:16] the query throughput looks like is back to the original levels [12:20:28] yeah, I checked this morning [16:21:22] alright, i'm happy to announce that `db-mysql` now exists on all 3 cumin hosts. example usage: `sudo db-mysql db1096:s5 -e 'show slave status\G'` [16:21:38] marostegui, Amir1, Emperor, jynus, sobanski: ^ [16:21:56] oh awesome \o/ [16:21:58] wohoooooooo [16:22:05] please give it a try, and let me know if you run into any issues [16:22:08] goooooood!! [16:23:26] kormat: db-switchover and friends will need changing? [16:26:05] marostegui: i've updated the desc of https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T297618 with the things to be done, including db-switchover (which i hadn't thought of before) [16:26:46] ah great! [16:26:49] thanks [18:10:57] yay