[11:14:45] marostegui: do you want me to add the recommendation to MariaDB/Rebooting_a_host ? [11:15:07] yes please [11:15:19] that way we have a canonical place where those things are :-) [11:15:57] was that for major upgrades only, or all upgrades? [11:16:15] we saw the crashes from 10.1 to 10.4 [11:16:34] so I don't think it is a bad idea to add it to all of them anyways as we repool them slowly [11:16:58] ok, let me just write something, if I understood correctly, and you can later tune it [11:17:19] thank you [11:20:56] however, now that I think it, even if you skip the buffer pool dump at that moment, it won't work [11:21:10] it will just load a previous one saved before [11:21:28] I think we should not skip the dump, but remove the file on start up ? [11:22:09] (after upgrade, before start up) [11:40:29] marostegui: see now: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/MariaDB/Rebooting_a_host [11:40:55] I added the comment for innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdown = OFF [11:41:23] but recommend removing the old file, as otherwise it will just delay its load for the next time [11:41:55] or we can tell people to force a new dump just after start [11:43:06] please change the "it is better to avoid an automatic buffer pool load on start up" to "mariadb recommende us" or whatever is right, that part you only know [12:35:41] I've also tried to sync MariaDB/Rebooting a host and https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/MariaDB/Upgrading_a_section#Upgrading_mariadb_minor_version , I think I left it better than it was (but still improvable)