[08:56:50] s6 codfw hosts are now running bullseye [09:08:54] \o/ [13:37:54] marostegui: FYI I'm upgrading db1100 (s5) using cookbooks [13:38:03] mmmm [13:38:09] let me check if the schema change has run there [13:38:15] ah, s5 [13:38:18] yeah, that's done [13:38:19] I am doing s2 [13:38:20] so go for it [13:38:23] yeah [14:18:05] I appreciate "why" questions are dangerous, but... Why do we build our mariadb packages by taking an upstream binary tarball and then constructing a .deb from that (with a bunch of local changes - operations/software/dbtools/mariadb-client-deb) rather than by building from source? [14:18:51] we build it from source, or at least I did [14:19:01] Emperor: "why" questions are always the best and you can challenge the status quo only in your first 6 months, after that you're part of the problem ;) [14:19:25] so feel free to ask those too :) [14:20:20] jynus: it is possible I have misunderstood how our packages are built, of course :) But that was the impression my spies had given me of how maros.tegui builds them... [14:20:45] (and would explain why we have a script in dbtools to do just hat :) [14:21:21] I am pretty sure he did the same thing I did, there are references to that probably historic [14:21:40] from Sean or earlier [14:23:11] *that are [14:23:55] I remember when I merged changes to mysql.service there was a problem with the next building not including the updated version. [14:24:39] sure, I remember that, I think he said he just hadn't rebased [14:25:04] Scope for automation, perhaps :) [14:25:39] there is always! [14:26:13] note that when I took over, I didn't have the resources to redo everything from zero [14:26:35] I was just happy with understanding how the previous person did it! [14:27:31] Sure :) [14:28:24] imagine that you enter, fillipo gives you the keys of swift and says goodbye, and you have no one else to ask about it [14:28:48] it was pure survival mode at that time [14:29:04] happily now there are more people that could do things better [14:29:25] no, I am not going to imagine that, it would make me sad :) [14:29:30] in other words, "show me da patch" :-)))) [14:30:03] I should probably make sure I understand how we actually currently do it first... [14:35:29] If I remember correctly, I think a shortcut was taken to avoid storing the relatively large mysql source code on our repo, while still allowing for custom patches, not necesarilly in the cleanest way [14:42:27] Emperor: I am in a meeting but TL;DR I talked to lukasz before you joined that I would love to hand over the package creation/automation to you as a debian dev :) [14:42:48] thank you for volunteering! [14:42:52] lolsob [14:43:27] you can take care of mine, too, I am more than happy to delegate that :-) [14:43:36] and yes, I create them like the way jaime used to do it which is the way Sean used to do it! [14:43:50] it is turtles all the way down! [14:44:12] I may have enough on my TODO right now :) But I should at some point understand exactly how we currently do it, and maybe I can propose some lower-friction approach [14:44:26] and Sean may not be even the original creator of that [14:44:44] I know he was of tendril, but he also inherited a lot of stuff [14:45:55] let's all blame tim! [14:47:15] Emperor: I am semi-joking, I would be indeed happy to learn about DD stuff from you, but I don't want to be responsible for distracting you from more important things, eg. your OKRs, etc [14:47:45] maybe you could do a presentation or something? [14:47:50] at some point [14:55:01] I think this might be a case where git-debrebase might be what we want; if that turns out to be the case, it might be worth a short talk on why it's useful , yes [15:06:08] marostegui: I need to go eat lunch now but db1100 didn't get back up :( [15:07:12] Amir1: I will check [15:11:53] Amir1: it is now up, do you want me to start mysql or your script will take care of that? [15:23:06] back [15:23:15] marostegui: let me see if I can handle it [15:23:20] what happened? [15:25:40] no idea, the screen was blank and with weird symbols so I did a hard reset [15:25:44] and it booted up just fine [15:26:08] haha, okay [15:26:32] I simply selected Linux instead of Windows on the bootloader and it was ok [15:26:51] lol [15:27:37] This didn't happen in codfw hosts, I'm gonna try another eqiad host to see if this is a one-time thing or the cookbook simply can't handle eqiad [15:28:48] it is not weird that hosts have troubles booting up [15:29:04] especially those which are old or have been on for a long time [15:29:46] yeah... [15:52:06] ...why was the bootloader even offering Windows? [15:58:08] Windows ME [16:06:59] 😱 [19:57:57] jynus: the backup sources for several sections (s1, s4, s8) is not replicating both in codfw and eqiad. I didn't find anything in tickets nor SAL. Is it intentional? [19:58:06] I hope I didn't break anything [21:13:50] it is [21:15:36] I talked to amir in private like an hour ago, but just mentioning it here so other readers get to know it is the way it works :)