[05:57:49] Going to bring up db1115 to try to clean up tendril DB before the reimage [05:58:39] I need to remember to start it with events disabled, otherwise it will be fun... [07:28:38] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T297605#7699852 [07:29:22] I am going to spend time now trying to clean up tendril stuff from puppet [09:01:13] jynus: Just checking, nothing on the backups side relays on db1115 having the tendril DB right? I don't think so but just double checking [09:01:40] I belive so, but let me think [09:01:59] well, backups of zarcillo happen there (on both eqiad and codfw) [09:02:17] yeah that's not a problem. I mean that the tendril DB is gone [09:02:58] no, section checks are manually configured- as we didn't have yet a good source of truth [09:03:12] cool [09:03:35] and same for backups themselves- the list of hosts are all manually setup [09:04:22] what's the status now to update zarcillo backups? Would a new host be setup for zarcillo, reuse the same? [09:05:14] jynus: that hasn't changed [09:05:19] ok [09:05:39] Zarcillo remains where it was - db1115 was reimaged keeping the data [09:05:45] cool [09:05:48] and db2093 hasn't been touched [09:05:52] (yet) [09:06:25] then that is all on my side, the only possibility is if there is some unknown dependency of wmfmariadbpy, which the backups depend on [09:07:02] but my guess would be that, other than the tendril update on switchover, there won't be much [09:07:12] cool then! [09:07:14] thanks for checking [09:08:20] I see, there is some doc reference to db1115, but that is not important [09:09:04] yeah, I have been cleaning up db1115 and tendril references on puppet and other repos [09:09:09] but there're quite a few still [09:09:14] help=('Section name of the backup. E.g.: "s3", "tendril" [09:09:17] I would assume wikitech needs also some cleaning [09:09:35] but it is not too missleading to require immediate action [09:09:59] yeah no issue from my side [09:29:30] I have removed watchdog@10.% user from db2071 to see if something complains [09:29:36] let me know if someone see something weird [11:05:04] marostegui: you will like this https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T301433#7700220 [11:05:11] https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000273/mysql?viewPanel=2&orgId=1&refresh=1m&var-job=All&var-server=db1118&var-port=9104 [11:06:23] even traffic to master got smaller https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000273/mysql?viewPanel=5&orgId=1&refresh=1m&var-job=All&var-server=db1118&var-port=9104 [11:07:55] oh nice! [11:19:18] Amir1: you are not doing anything on s2, right? [11:19:43] marostegui: I'm doing bullseye upgrade there https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T300510 [11:19:49] ah ok [11:19:50] but it can wait for a day or two [11:19:54] Nah [11:20:00] I will move to s8 [11:20:02] or s7 [11:20:03] no worries [11:20:21] cool [11:20:30] I'm doing a schema change on s1 as well [11:20:44] Sure, no problem [11:20:46] I am taking s7 [13:02:13] marostegui: is it fine if I "decom" the tendril VM? [14:07:11] Amir1: sure, if it's been stopped for a few days, and nothing broke, yeah [14:07:19] that means tendril.wikimedia.org will be gone, right? [14:07:30] ah no, that's being served from the static stuff [14:07:31] right? [14:08:31] yup [14:08:35] that's miscweb now [14:08:53] tendril-legacy.wikimedia.org would be gone but we already removed its DNS entry anyway [14:09:07] yep [14:09:27] I'm going to do the first bullseye upgrade on a multiinstance host [14:09:30] fingers crossed [14:37:05] nothing broke on db2071 after removing watchdog grant, I might remove it from a section later [17:38:10] https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-27789 [17:38:46] ^ that's why they are not releasing 10.4.23 anymore and moving directly to 10.4.24 [18:13:02] ouch